Wrapping up finals week, my body is currently hating me. I typically get around six to seven hours of sleep, yet this week I probably averaged somewhere around five. And let me tell you, that one hour difference, good lordy it makes all the difference.
I don’t know how this is possible, but my mind is numb, yet at the same time throbbing. I’ve come to realize this week that this is, in fact, the very reason why my semester has been so amazing. I have put off every single speck of work until this last week. I love that I did that. Some people believe that if you plan accordingly, you can work on the work that you have to do little by little, and over time, it will fly by like it wasn’t even there. But not me. I like a little pressure.
I’ve mastered the art of actually scheduling my procrastination. Now I know what you’re thinking. Actually, no I don’t. But you could be thinking “wow this dude is f*cking weird.” True. However, some of you may actually agree with me (you crazy kids, you). Yes, that’s right. I actually have learned to schedule my procrastination. To those curiously shaking their head and asking themselves, “wouldn’t that just be called scheduling?” No. You’re wrong. Sorry. And this is why…
Then I suddenly remember, wait, I can do it when I should be sleeping! I can do it when I want. That’s really how I’ve been looking at it lately. Mostly because I used to work on schoolwork in order to be able to go out on a Thursday night. In order to go out on the weekends and hangout with friends. Then I asked myself, “why I am I letting society dictate my schedule?” I’m responsible. I can say no to going out on a Saturday because I have to do homework. And then I’ll just go out on Monday, right? Anyways… Procrastination is fine, it really is. For those of you who are still procrastinating, keep up the good work. Some call it procrastinating, I like to think of it more like... 'waiting for perfection.' And yes, that does make me feel better about it. Remember, it’s not a problem, it’s a lifestyle. Rock it.