I remember moving into college like it was yesterday. Not knowing exactly what to expect I was nervous, excited, and anxious to see what was around the corner for my freshman year. Though things went fine, and I look back thinking my time as a noob were pretty great, there are words of advise I wish I would have heard. More accurately, I wish I would have listened to the words of advise I was given. Freshmen year can be scary, but it's also where you can find yourself. To possibly make that journey easier here are some words of advise for all the incoming college freshmen this school year.
1. Don't be shy or afraid
I know I know, how cliche of me. Honestly though you don't realize how much you need to hear this until it's too late. Talk to someone you normally wouldn't, escape from your comfort zone, and live a little.
2. Get to know your professors
You'll thank me later. I'm pretty sure a requirement to be a college professor is that have to be a super cool human being. They're busy, but office hours are great. They're not always the greatest, but better to know that sooner or later. So get to know them!
3. Get your classes down before adding more to your plate
You don't want to over load yourself, and take on what you can't handle. I know, in college they have a club for literally everything. Yet you're there for your education first! So figure out your class work load before adding on extra stuff. You don't wanna drop your plate, and by that I mean having a mental breakdown.
4. Keep an open mind
You're going to run into a lot of people who are different than you, think differently, look differently, and try to learn from them instead of getting nervous or backing away. Learn something about a culture you weren't familiar with, ask political questions (nicely), and educate someone else on your views (nicely).
5. Take classes outside of your major
Is what I said in a math class as a history major. But I learned a lot and met some awesome people! College is about broadening your horizons and soaking in knowledge with your brain, so branch out!
6. Check out Greek life
Whether it's a fraternity or a sorority, there's no harm in just checking it out! Going through rush was one of the best things I did with college career. Even if you decide it's not for you, you still meet new people and get to experience something new!
Everyone is different though, you might lose 15 you might gain. Mine came my sophomore year, it may not effect you at all. However it is a real thing because fast food is easy and cheep, caf food gets real old real quick, and no one wants to cook in the resident hall kitchen. Beware.
8. Enjoy it
Just as much as I enjoy this gif of Ron Swanson dancing. If you don't know who that is then I'm sorry for your loss. Anyway, cherish every moment! It guys by too fast and I promise you'll miss it.