Some Advice For My Little Sister (And Everyone Else Who Worries About The Future) | The Odyssey Online
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Some Advice For My Little Sister (And Everyone Else Who Worries About The Future)

The world becomes a better place when there are more happy people in it.

Some Advice For My Little Sister (And Everyone Else Who Worries About The Future)
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One of the things I struggled with growing up as a middle child in a big family was the fact that my little sister, Becca, always ended up being better at virtually everything than I was. It bothered me a lot more when I was younger, seeing my little sister do pretty much everything I could, most of the time better than I could. But as I've grown up, I began to be flattered as I started to realize just what a talented and all around good person she was. Now today, I couldn't be prouder that she achieved more than I did in our ROTC-like program, got the leading role in the very same theatre department where I won awards, has much better grades in the very same classes I took, and even became an editor in chief here at Odyssey after I became a writer. I realize that I should be honored to play that kind of role in her life because she looks up to me enough to want to do what I've done.

I'm okay with getting shown up by my little sister because she, even though is most likely going to dance circles around me in life, still tells me about the problems she has in life and genuinely wants to hear my advice. She's a junior in high school and, like so many other Americans, is at a point in her life where every decision seems like a big one, and every step seems like a leap. As I have these conversations with Becca, I recall my own feelings when I was in her situation. I also think about the millions of people who are in the same situation. So Becca, I know I'm not any sort of especially wise person, but I hope that you'll take this advice that I offer from my heart (and all of you out there getting ready to take on the world):

Don't ask yourself what your "verse" will be. Okay, this isn't a bash against the amazing movie "Dead Poets Society" or Walt Witman. In fact, I happen to love the metaphor of "contributing a verse" to the world. But, when you're a teenager, it can be incredibly daunting to think of your life in terms of "how am I going to make the world a better place?" I mean, how are you supposed to go straight from "I gotta get a good grade on this math test" to "I gotta make the world a better place". The answer is you're not supposed to. You have to scale down your thinking or else it's just going to be one more thing that contributes to you being overwhelmed. Instead of going looking for how you're going to improve the world, just look for something you love. Find what you love, find what your soul is begging you to do. If you can't narrow it down at this point, that's okay. It's okay to not know right now. That's what being young is for. It's better to take time trying to find out what you love than to waste time pursuing something you know you don't. The thing is that the world becomes a better place when there are more happy people in it. So the way to contribute to a better world is to find what makes you happy. Take the time to find what your reason for getting up every day will be. Take the time to find out what makes you smile. Once you can do that, you'll start to see that your verse will unfold right before your eyes, and I promise it'll be a beautiful one.

Show up, and show respect. Two things that many of us would think are very standard in the adult world, and are, however very few people actually do. I've never had a job interview that didn't lead to an offer. And while I'd love for that to be a boast as to my irresistible charm and talent, that is not even close to the case. It's because I showed up, I had a smile on my face, and I listened. It's a sad reality, but just showing your peers and superiors that kind of respect goes such a long way in the world.

Value your relationships above all else. At the end of your life, your money isn't going to be at your bedside. Your awards won't hold your hand. The people we love are the most valuable things that exist. I know it's hard, but try to slow the world down when you're spending time with your friends and family. Try to just enjoy the time you get to spend with them, because it's those times that are going to get you through the tough ones. It's those people who are going to help you get through life. Because let's face it, none of us can do it alone. Ever.

Nobody knows what they're doing. One thing that didn't take me long at all to understand about the world is that it's pretty much filled with people who are absolutely wingin' it. Like me. And you know what? That's okay. Because adulthood is like splatter painting. We're all just staring at a blank canvas with a wet brush in our hands until we finally work up the stones to fling that brush at the canvas and hope something sticks. Then once we make that first fling, most of it goes in every direction except for the canvas. Now you've got paint on your skin, clothes, and all over the room. And maybe most of your attempts at getting paint on that canvas result in collateral splatter, but after long enough, you can start to see the beauty in all of those random splatters. Screwing up isn't just okay, it's essential. If you fall flat on your face, stand up and take a bow. Own your failures and allow them to affect you. Fail spectacularly for the whole world to see, say "I'll get it next time". I know it's not an easy thing to do. We're naturally conditioned to see failure as the opposite of success. But it's not. The only difference between failure and success is one try. So keep trying until you get to that one.

Show everyone respect, but only give some your ear. In a world full of people struggling eternally to outdo each other, it can be really difficult to see through the smokescreen of BS that so many people present. You're going to have a lot of critics, but not all of them are going to be worth listening to. In fact, the vast majority of them don't deserve to be seriously considered. But there will be those who will be there for you no matter what. Who will tell you the truth when you need it, and will always have your best interest at heart. Those are the people you should listen to. Those are the criticisms you should take to heart.

Have the humility to be open, and the fortitude to stick to your values. An important part to any well-lived life is the ability to be dynamic in your points of view, yet firm in your beliefs. What does that mean? Well, let's use the ever-popular analogy of politics as an example. Right now, in our country, and the world, there is a crisis. A number of crises, actually. And so many of them are because of partisanship. Partisanship occurs when people are so set in their own ways that progress stalls and people merely shout at each other from within the walls of their own ideology. We're seeing how destructive this mentality is right now, and it's our job to become more mature thinkers than that. How do we do that? Well, it's possible to stay true to your beliefs while at the same time having the humility to be dynamic and open as to how we go about making those beliefs come to fruition. Stay true to your values, but have the grace and humility to be dynamic, and accept the fact that there may be more than one way to bring them to life.

Remember the Golden Rule. I can sit here and keep going on and on with my cheesy advice, which I may or may not even be qualified to give, but without a doubt the most important thing to remember is the famous Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. Forgive unconditionally. Love without judgement. Listen to others. Obey your conscience. If you can remember this rule no matter what, then success will find you. I promise.

So, to everyone out there who is on the cusp of taking the world head on, I hope that these simple pointers will help to guide you along. The world is a beautiful place full of opportunity, if you're willing to seek it out. Stay strong, stay enthusiastic, stay kind, and stay patient. You'll find your way.

And to Becca, I'm proud of everything you have accomplished, and I promise that it doesn't bother me (that much) that you can do everything I can do. I know you have a bright future ahead, regardless of where you end up. Keep on kicking ass, you're doing great. Love ya.

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