A friend of mine is going to college next year and I have been trying to think of all the different things about College that I'd want to know, so I decided to ask some friends what advice they'd give to their pre-college selves:
Cam Assman: "I would saaayyyyyyy get involved definitely!!!! Don't forget about studying and school work!! Don't compare your experience to other people's."
Trisha: "College isn't easy. But high school wasn't easy either. Remember why you're in school, stay focused and everything else will fall into place."
Gabby: "Don't have expectations. Just experience what college has to offer. Do anything and everything."
Aly: "I guess that you make a lot of fast friends in college, and it's okay to not become super close with all of them. Also, even though mine is, you don't have to be best friends with your roommate. It's okay to just coexist. Another thing, you don't have to go out every weekend. Some of your favorite nights end up being the ones that you spend in the dorm. Also, don't get a fake. It's just not worth it."
Sam: "Be open to making a lot of different friends. Don't judge anyone before you really do get to know them."
Sophie: "I would say to keep an open mind!! cause you're going to meet so many people and have so many amazing opportunities that you may never have even considered before, but if you meet someone or see something that even slightly interests you or maybe even scares you, indulge in it because it could lead to something amazing!!"
Leah: "Find a group or activity to get involved in, it makes getting acclimated a lot easier ☺️"
Kerry: "dry shampoo and good luck!"
Taylor: "Stepping out of your comfort zone (if you're the shy sort) and talking to that stranger in the hall can result in a lifetime friendship. Tip: bring a small tool kit with you to college. I promise it will come in handy when you need it most."
Carlos: "Hmmm no cliche? Or yes cliche? One thing I do know is get to know your professors. In a school that is big, if she is going to a big school, getting to know your professors can really be beneficial. They can help in so many ways."
Emilee: "One thing I would say is that freshman year is a time where you're going to be going through a lot, thinking about a lot, experiencing so many different things and it's going to be scary but it's how you grow as a person. It's important to surround yourself with people who are going to help you with these changes and who will be there for you no matter what. There are a lot of fake people in college and you need to sit back and observe before you dive into friendships."
Scott: "I would say that as much as going out and partying is fun, don't really go out as much as you want, make rules for yourself. Go to class unless you are deathly ill, eat healthy, workout, spend time with the people who want to hang out with you and not the "cool" crowd because this isn't high school, and forgive yourself because you will make mistakes!"
Maggie: "I would say don't be quick to judge. I feel like freshman year I was exposed to so many different people that I was quick to judge them until I got to know them. Like some of my best friends are people who I resented first semester and as I actually got to know them I realized that that saying is so prevalent."
Kailah: "-the friends you start with might not be the friends you end with
-it's okay to take the minimum amount of credits your school requires
-it's better to cheat than repeat
-c's and d's get degrees
-college is the time to reinvent yourself and find out who you are and what you want don't be so stuck in your ways
-call home...you might not want to but it'll make your parents very happy
-it's okay to not want to get drunk every weekend."