I'm very prone to gray days, especially this time of year when I feel overwhelmed with all I have to do and the weather is getting cold and the wind goes right through my coat. This stinks, because I love autumn and I love the upcoming Christmas season. But sometimes there are things that can make me (and you) feel better.
1. Eat some food
Whatever will make you happy to eat, whether it be donuts, salad, toast, soup, or fruit. Don't feel guilty about eating junk food on gray days, but do try to balance it out with something a little healthier. Warm food is usually the best, at least for me.
2. Take care of yourself
Take a shower, brush your teeth, brush your hair, change your clothes. You feel fresher if you do any of these thing3. Put on some happy music
It doesn't have to be anything upbeat, but whatever will make you smile or give you the chance to stop and breathe. If you feel up to it, get up and dance around.4. Watch a movie or TV show
Pull up your Netflix queue or open your movie drawer. Don't go for anything too highbrow or intense. Disney movies are one of the best cures for gray days.
5. Hugs
Find a willing friend, or keep a pet or stuffed animal close. Plus, hugs are great for reducing stress, improving your health, and preventing colds (counter-intuitive, I know, but it's true.)6. Read a book
I keep fluffy, happy books around for a reason. While I love soul-crushing books, they are not good for my gray days. I suggest anything by Morgan Matson or Kasie West, or "The Only Thing Worse Than Me Is You" by Lily Anderson.7. Take a nap
8. Get some fresh air
9. Avoid social media, if you can
(Tom is me, to be honest.)
Unless you've made your Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr very happy, cozy places, it's better to take a step back and get off social media for the day. You won't miss too much, I promise.
10. Have something to do to keep your hands busy
Take up a handcraft (like knitting, embroidery, or origami). Keep coloring books and crayons/colored pencils/markers in your room. Keep Play-Doh or a stress ball around. Put your energy into creating something, or give your stress an outlet.
11. Let a friend or family member know how you're feeling.
A good friend will bring you food, send happy thoughts, come and spend time with you, or do whatever you need them to. Because...they'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Of course, my suggestions are nothing new, but I don't see people talk about gray day cures a lot, so I needed to. I promise, these gray days won't last forever. (If you feel like they're multiplying though, it might be a good idea to see a therapist.) But remember, you're not alone.