So, to just start off, I want to have a brief science lesson explaining what allergies really are.
When the body comes into contact with foreign threats, it does its best to protect itself. In this case, during the springtime, the body often mistakes pollen- tree pollen, flower pollen, you name it!- as a foreign invader, trying to harm the body. Therefore, when the body's cells come in contact with these invaders, they send out signals to warn the body of the threat. These signals are known as histamines. When the cell is in danger, they start sending out histamines like a 911 call. Except, in the case of pollen allergies, there is no emergency, and your body is just being a drama queen. However, as a result, the body, who believes the world is ending, starts fighting off the pollen causing the body to try to flush it out, either through coughing, sneezing, a runny nose, or teary or itchy eyes.
1. Stay indoors whenever possible
Pollen throughout the day is at its peak during the day between 5 a.m and 10 a.m. while the trees are trying to send out their pollen to a special lady friend. Pollen is usually released during sunny days as evaporation of moisture helps spread the pollen further. Staying indoors and away from the pollen infested trees could be a great way to stop encountering some pesky pollen. If the pollen count is high for your area and you have to go out, remember to plan accordingly, either by taking medication or wearing a mask.
You can also check the pollen count for your area using this link.
2. Take a shower
Just like how rain stops pollen from spreading, a good shower can wash off the pollen off of you. This can help if you want to wash off any unwanted pollen that might be sticking onto you like in your hair, skin, or clothes. This may help you especially if you want to take a quick shower before you sleep to sleep more comfortably.
3. Stay away from booze
Alcohol contains histamines. Histamines are produced by the fermentation process of yeast or bacteria during the brewing process. As a result, this may aggravate your body even more when pollen is introduced. In addition, some alcohol like wine and beer contain sulfites that can stimulate allergies.
4. Drink more water
Like when you get sick, mucus is produced to catch, trap, or excrete harmful pathogens. And, sometimes one gets such a stuffy nose because of this! In order to decrease the mucus viscosity and allow for easier breathing, drink lots of water. In addition, because of the constant tearing and runny nose, your body loses a lot of fluids, so it is good to stay hydrated to make sure you are replenishing your body's lost liquids. Sounds gross, but helps a lot!
5. Eat these foods
There are some theories that eating your local honey would help incorporate pollen immunity into your body because your body is able to digest this pollen. In addition, kiwis are able to cut down on histamines, and pineapples can apparently reduce inflammation. Although foods are not the end all be all cure, these foods are known to help.
6. Exercise the allergies away
Although exercise is not the end all be all cure for allergies, it can help manage the symptoms when one exercises regularly. In general, exercise helps improve one's immune system. Exercising your lungs and heart can also help maintain the health of your body so that it makes it stay in tip-top shape to fight off those pesky harmless, foreign invaders.
Hope this helps! And, may the odds be in your favor.