I grew up an hour north of Philly and go to school in West Virginia. Since going to college, I realized that we all have different words that mean different things to each of us. Regional variations in dialect are quite fascinating, what one person calls something may be completely different from what another person calls it. To illustrate my point, I have created a list of common words that people from different regions say differently below.
1. Soda vs. Pop
Where I am from, we all call it soda, but it can also go by pop, coke, or soft drink.
2. Sub vs. Hoagie
I call it a hoagie, but many other people call it a sub.
3. "You guys" vs. "you all" vs. "y'all"
I interchange between "you all" and "y'all" but this could be because I grew up in Philly but now go to school in West Virginia.
4. "See-rup" vs. "Sur-up"
I pronounce syrup as "see-rup" but a lot of people will say "sur-up."
5. "Water" vs. "wooder"
A lot of people that I know say "water", which is what I say, but my dad's side of the family pronounces it "wooder".
6. "May-uh-naze" vs. "May-naze"
I say either interchangeably, but I have heard "may-uh-naze" more from where I live in Pennsylvania.
7. "Car-ml" vs. "Carra-mel"
I say "car-ml" but this one I think depends on the person, I have heard both in each region I have lived in.
8. "Coopon" vs. "Cyoopon"
I pronounce it as "cyoopon" but I have heard either interchangeably.
9. "Creek" vs. "crick"
I say "creek" but I have heard a lot of people say "crick" from around West Virginia.