The colorblind reality of race in America helped me learn how there is this colorblind whit dominance through public consensus that formalizes anti-racism deterrence effectively enough that it cause racial inequality. This protects racial status quo while still creating form of racism. Therefore, protecting against racial discrimination no longer supports racial justice. We are colorblind in the sense that disfavoring all issues of race, whether or not they affect racial oppression. There’s this realization that race should not define skin or culture or ethnicity, through how racial disparities are being tracked to disband the word race for good. We are also enlightened on the fact that they need to become full citizens because that is the equivalent of having equal basic right, and the regulation of social relations is not this. Colorblindness makes it impossible for our society to realize or tolerate classes amongst citizens. The concept of things needing to be race neutral in order to visualize them the way they need to be in order to rightfully attempt integration rather than preserve segregation, helps regulate colorblindness, because race-conscious remedies acknowledge that there is the difference and that is why things have yet to be numerously changed.
Throughout the race related articles the same statistics about how blacks and Latinos are viewed amongst whites are the same, and have the same legitimate views. Then there is the presentation of the organizations that have the same views in white power, relating to country clubs, and white dominated communities. There’s the fully white concept, passing white concept and then the honorary whites. All of which fall under the categorization of placing these types of group compared to wealth, professional attainment, and social position. This connects to the social bias that Gilbert talks about when discussing why police kill black males with impunity. He talk about how this social bias is an institution created by poverty, reduction of educational attainment, limitation of employment, payment and opportunities. It shows that in social organizations and in the concept of colorblindness. For, Lopez continues to discuss in "Colorblind to the Reality of Race in America", that, “Those many in our society who are darker, poorer, more identifiable foreign will continue to suffer the poverty, marginalization, immiserating, incarceration, and exclusion historically according to those whose skin and other features socially mark them as nonwhite.” So it touches on the fact again that colorblindness evidentally leads to the environment that we find blacks in and the institutions that we place ourselves in. As Lopez explains that race is found in the gated communities, barrios, governmental policies/programs, cultural norms/beliefs, and in the ways Americans lead their lives.
How we see each other is a stereotype that is produced through every which way that we live and function and the more that I read the more that I understand that. The police killings are the prime example for our unjust bias against the black community. They show how we stereotype them under a category where we don’t see them just as blacks but we see them entirely as a race that we do not understand because they are not a part of our general background/culture. Lopez helps clarify that in order to break down the barrier between white and black communities we need to change our culture. I quite strongly believe that this is part of the answer. I believe that the whole answer is that we need to create a new culture entirely.