I'll be the first to admit I have struggled with self image for a long time, probably since I began to realize I wasn't the “ideal” size. I noticed I was a little heavier than other girls, no matter what I did. I played sports, worked out and ate healthy. Nothing seemed to help. It's always made me more self conscious because of how judgmental people are today. It wasn't until I came to the realization of what the Bible had to say about what I was feeling.
Growing up in a strong Christian household, I've been told, more times than I'd like to admit, I am made how I am supposed to be. Aren't all parents supposed to support you and tell you that you're beautiful anyway? It started when I heard a song by Johnny Diaz called More Beautiful You. This song talks about how society portrays what a women should look like, how unrealistic it is, and how girls compare themselves to those “perfect bodied people”. I listened to this song numerous times because the message was so powerful. The purpose of this song is to tell women and girls there is no one more beautiful than themselves. You are your own beautiful because God designed you in His image, the way He wanted you to be. This was truly eye opening to me. After this, I began to look at myself differently, understanding what my parents had said they saw, seeing myself with the true beauty God designed me with.
Even though society paints thicker people with less value and beauty, I know this is not how God views us. Listen here, the scales do not define you. Your weight, hair color, wrinkles, acne, etc. does not define you. Your worth is not defined by worldly objects, but by God and his design for you. I am not of this world, and I am beautiful because I am made in my Heavenly Father’s Image. As soon as you start comparing yourself to society's unrealistic standards, you will soon realize how outrageous they are and how you do not come close. Our bodies are all made differently, embrace it. If we all looked the same, think of how boring and bland the world would be. So stop comparing yourself and believe your beauty comes from your Father.
No matter how hard I diet, work out, slim down, and cut weight, my body will fail me in the long run. Gravity will take its toll and things will fall and I will become “flawed” again. I do get excited when the numbers on the scale go down because I do work on them to be and stay healthy, but the difference is I do not fixate myself on it. I don't focus myself, my health, my being on what the number says on the scale. If you focus on the aspects of yourself which are flawed and don't measure up to society, you will not be happy. You may work hard, day and night, dieting and exercising like a crazy person, but you will never be satisfied because this “perfect” image is constantly changing, as is your body. My worth is not the scale, my jeans size, bra size, hair color, and so on.
I'm here to tell you I am much happier because I am happy in my own skin and body. I don't compare myself to unrealistic standards or get offended if I don't measure up to what society says I should look like. I embrace my body, my looks, everything about me because I am made in God’s image and exactly how he wanted me to be. I am not flawed, I am perfect in his eyes. I listen to my parents, family, and friends when they tell me I am beautiful because they mean and think it, so I should too. I haven't always been comfortable with who I am, but I am now. I don't let society define me, I let God’s standards for me be a light for who I am.