I don't know about you, but I feel A LOT of pressure from society to be one way or another. Sometimes, I feel the pressure in my career field and collegiate experience to figure out what exactly I want to do for the rest of my life or in my day-to-day routine to look "pretty enough" and to wear the "right" clothes. But, I think the way society affects me the most in terms of perfection are body image. I feel so pressured by society and my eating disorder to have the "perfect body," which is honestly just bullshit. We are more, so much more than our bodies, so I've compiled a list of all the things I would rather be than perfect.
1. Kind
When people see me in the hallway or talk about me, I want them to describe me as kind. I want others to come to me unafraid of judgement or malice. It is so important to me that others feel welcome and safe in my presence, because many people are fighting battles I know nothing about. Just imagine how awesome society would be if we all had this mindset and practiced being a bit more kind to one another.
2. Gentle
Working with horses this summer has taught me how to be gentle. I think it is so important to be gentle not only to animals, but to people as well. I have found that being gentle with all creatures creates a calm and trustful environment, which allows great relationships to form. One of my favorite things about my job is when I stand next to a horse and gently stroke his head; it's like I can feel his love, and he can feel mine--it's truly an incredible feeling.
3. Honest
I have a very deep respect for people who are honest all the time. I tend to trust people who are honest, because I know they'll tell me if something looks good or bad on me, and, more importantly, I know that they'll tell me if I am starting to display behaviors of an eating disorder. I always try to be honest, because I think it is the best policy, and I wouldn't want people to think I am not able to be trusted.
4. Open-Minded
I want to be open-minded because I know that if I have an open mind, I will be able to learn and experience many things. I've been lucky enough to travel, but my experiences would not have been nearly as valuable as if I went with a closed mind, because I would not have experienced new cultures, languages and activities.
5. A Representation of Jesus
Jesus loves everyone, including sinners. He welcomes everyone including the misfits and outcasts and always make sure to let people know that they are enough, just the way they are. I really can't think of anything better than that: being loving, welcoming and accepting towards others, without needing them to be perfect in every way.
6. Compassionate
I want to take care of the Earth, as well as the people and animals who live on it, and I can do that by showing them compassion. Whether my action is to pick up trash off of the ground or hug someone who is going through difficult times, being compassionate allows me to be a good person and spread love to any living thing.
7. Selfless
I want to do things to better the Earth and those around me. I also want to show my friends and family how much I care about them, and I can do that by being selfless. I can give up some of my personal time to help clean up around the house, buy a friend coffee or even donate my money to a good cause. I want to do things for the good of others because I think it is important to live for things greater than just our own selves.
8. Hard-Working
I want to be a woman who works hard for everything she has got. I can imagine nothing more satisfying than working hard and one day looking back on my life lovingly knowing that my hard work paved the way for successes.
9. Intelligent
I don't want to ever stop learning; I want to wake up everyday with a desire to fill my mind with new things. Learning gives me such joy because it helps me to keep an open mind. Honestly, one of the greatest compliments someone could give me is to compliment my brain, not my body.
10. Empathetic
Empathy is so, so important. Empathy allows us to connect with one another on a deeper level, and it allows us to really feel what the other person is going through. When a close friend or family member is going through a tough time, I want to be empathetic towards them. I want them to feel validated in what they are going through, but to also know that they are not alone. Empathy allows me to do just that.