Socials are one of the best parts of being in Greek life. And with so many of them happening every semester, most of us have costume trunks that contain more clothing than our actual wardrobe. But one thing that drives me absolutely CRAZY is when I go to a social and see people wearing ridiculously inappropriate social costumes. Now I’m all for a cute sassy outfit that will make heads turn, don’t get me wrong. But if I cringe when I look at you, there’s a problem. My chapter president always reminds our girls that as a general rule, you only want to flaunt one asset.
Here are some common social costumes and some tips to make sure you aren’t taking it overboard.
1. Nurse: Ah yes, doctors and nurses. So cliché, and yet so much fun. There is never a better time to whip out my bright red heels than when dressing like a flirty nurse. But beware, as this is one outfit that many girls take way too far.
An Acceptable Option: Cute shoes, a little leg, and not too much of anything else. This outfit is fun and pretty without making a scene.
An Unacceptable Option: No. Just no. No one wants to see this much of you at an event, sorry not sorry. In the case of nurse costumes, less is definitely not more.
An Alternative Option: When in doubt, funny is always better. Zombie nurse anyone?
2. Nerds: Another crowd favorite. Although the social theme will go by many names, the horribly risqué outfits are always the same.
An Acceptable Option: Some high socks, a plaid skirt, and a t-shirt and you’re ready for action. Throw in some fake glasses as an extra nerd touch.
An Unacceptable Option: I’m counting way more than one asset in this photo.
An Alternative Option: You really can never go wrong with funny.
3. 80’s Workout: I personally love this theme. It is very rarely that you actually get to go out in an outfit that is comfortable to wear. And yet I always see girls wearing things that make me feel... very uncomfortable.
An Acceptable Option: This girl is totally winning with this outfit. I love everything from the neon pink leggings to the headband and scrunchie. Totally a fun outfit to spend a night in.
An Unacceptable Option: WHY...just why? Here’s some advice ladies: Unless you are a ballerina, a leotard is never an outfit by itself. Don’t be ridiculous.
An Alternative Option: Have I mentioned how I love funny costumes?
4. Disney : Disney movies are a huge part of my childhood. Every time I see them they make me feel like a kid again. But there is nothing childish about some of the Disney themed outfits I’ve seen at socials.
An Acceptable Option: This is one of the most common Disney outfits I’ve seen. If you don’t have a full outfit like this girl, a red skirt and a black tank with some ears will do totally fine. Cute and simple!
An Unacceptable Option: Come on now. This is not what Disney had in mind. Poor Minnie.
An Alternative Option: Hey, if you can afford it why not go all out?
5. Police Officer: Cops and robbers social or date function? We’ve all been to one. And we’ve all seen at least one girl whose outfit should have gotten her arrested by the fashion police.
An Acceptable Option: Cute and sassy, while still being classy. The perfect combination.
An Unacceptable Option: How do girls even find these costumes?!
How do girls even find these costumes?!
An Alternative Option: Let your best friend be the cop. You can just be her donut.