What do you think of when you think of a scientist? Probably someone with glasses wearing a white lab coat, holding a vile of something or sitting at a computer imputing data. What labels do you think of when you think of a scientist? Probably labels like engineer, chemist, biologist, ect. Would you be surprised to learn that any individual falling under the category of social science is also a real scientist?
Well, I hate to break it to you, but social scientists are real scientists.
About a week ago, a person made a comment to me on Facebook (of course) about how sociology is a "pseudo-science." Not only did my brain have a melt down because of the sheer ignorance, but I was legitimately angry. I was angry because that comment essentially aimed to invalidate all of the intensive work I have done as someone who is majoring and minoring in social sciences.
The term social science is an umbrella term encompassing a wide range of disciplines. Social sciences are the scientific study of human society and relationships.
I am a psychological science major with a minor in commerce, and nearly half of my college career has been spent learning about and applying the scientific method. I have been trained in statistical analyses, research methods, experimental design, and ethical standards just to name a few.
Biopsychologists study the physical brain and conduct experiments with animals relating to drug dependency, social adjustment, etc. Cognitive psychologists study cognition and how people learn. Developmental psychologists study how people develop emotionally and mentally.
If you want to get a feel for what a "mad scientist" might look like, look no further than Stanley Milgram and his experiments on obedience.
Social scientists in any field, not just psychology, work hard every day conducting experiments, analyzing data, and writing manuscripts so they can advance the current body of knowledge.
To put it in perspective, I/O psychologists are literally working on the mission to Mars to promote group cohesion.
Social scientists are very much ingrained with the ability and knowledge of designing experiments and conducting research. So, next time you think of a scientist, think of a psychologist, or a sociologist, or an anthropologist, or any other social scientist.