3 Teacher-Bloggers That Will Inspire Teachers Everywhere | The Odyssey Online
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3 Teacher-Bloggers That Will Inspire Aspiring Teachers Everywhere

They show us what being a teacher is like.

3 Teacher-Bloggers That Will Inspire Aspiring Teachers Everywhere

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Our world nowadays revolves around social media. While some of the things we see every day on social media are far from good, there are several ways that social media can help people. One of those ways is through blogging and vlogging (making videos for others to watch on YouTube). This allows people to learn from others and get a peek into what their lives are like. There are many teachers out there who share their lives with the world. They give awesome ideas, resources, and allow us to see what it can really be like as a teacher. There are a few teacher-bloggers that really stand out to me.

1. Pocketful of Primary

Michelle Ferre is a 4th grade teacher from Maryland. She is currently teaching math and science. I would highly recommend checking out her YouTube channel and Instagram. Her personality is bubbly and slightly quirky. Her videos can be kind of long because of all the information she packs into each video. I think this is a good thing because it shows that she wants to provide her followers with everything they need to know. One of my favorite videos from her is called "How to Digital Lesson Plan With an iPad." This video was eye-opening and interesting for someone like me who loves to plan with paper. She also just recently got engaged, so maybe she'll include some tips about wedding planning while being a teacher!

2. Mrs. Richardson's Class 

I came across Amanda Richardson's blog very recently. She has taught kindergarten and first grade but has now taken on her blog full time. Her blog is super helpful because it can be a huge help to teachers. Her blog is neatly organized which allows readers to easily navigate through each section. She provides her audience with lesson ideas, curriculum, professional development videos, and more! One article that I have come across is titled "3 Favorite Lesson Hooks." An important part of a lesson is getting students interested in the topic. This article is short and sweet, but includes her personal input because she had experience using the tactics! With all that Mrs. Richardson's blog has to offer, I am excited to continue to explore it!

3. One FAB Teacher

Miss May was one of the first teachers I came across on social media. Sadly, she recently decided to focus on being in the classroom and will no longer be uploading videos on YouTube. However, I believe she will keep her videos up so that her followers can reference them! Miss May is an awesome first grade teacher. She definitely exudes a teacher spirit, but she keeps it real. My favorite videos from her were her behavior management and classroom tour videos. Behavior management can be hard for many aspiring teachers to grasp, so I appreciate that she took the time to give useful tips! What I loved most about this channel was that she was a teacher and vlogger who also happened to be a person of color--this is almost unheard of! I hope in her YouTube absence, the diversity in this area will grow.

I love looking to these ladies for inspiration! It is super fun to scroll through their social media platforms in my free time.

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