In today's society, social media plays a extremely large role on everyone and everything.
The number of like dictates how high or low our self esteem is.
The number of comments implies how "popular" we are.
The number of shares indicates how "relatable" we are.
People feel the need to post about anything and everything that happens to them in a day and want to make their life look desirable.
I'm not writing this to judge anyone, because I post quite often. But I often find myself questioning why I have so many different social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yik Yak, Pinterest, Snapchat, even this blog is a social media account. Sure, they are "different forms" of social media, but they all essentially do the same thing; update everyone on your lifestyle and your life events.
So, why do we feel the need to share our lives in so many different forms?
I agree that social media is a good way to connect with friends and keep up with how your loved ones are doing. I enjoy posting pictures of what I'm up to in college. But then again, am I really posting exactly how college is going for me? No. I'm posting pictures of experiences I find enjoyable, people I have fun with, and pictures that make my life look desirable.
Though these posts make me feel good inside, it also makes others see an altered version of my life and therefore sets their social media and life standards to a different level.
What you all don't see in my social media is how much studying I really do, or the amount of acne I have developed during the stresses of school. You don't see the days that I have a breakdown and feel the need to cry.
You only see what I want you to see.
That's exactly why no one should idolize someone simply because of their Instagram feed or because of what they post on Facebook. Everyone has rough times in their life and no one looks perfect every second of every day unlike what many social media accounts portray.
For all the young kids out there, know that those celebrities you follow aren't perfect. They have their flaws and days when they're down in the dumps. Please remember that you are beautiful and original and that no number of likes should ever dictate how you feel about yourself.
I used to be one of those girls who was concerned about posting a great picture of myself in order to generate likes. I would try to find the perfect lighting, perfect caption, perfect makeup, perfect hair and edit the picture until it made me look entirely different. I would get jealous of the girls who received more likes on their picture than I did and assumed it was because I wasn't as pretty nor as popular.
Know that no amount of likes or comments that show up on your picture will determine how beautiful or amazing or awesome you are. Only your personality and your actions will determine that.
So be kind, be smart, be generous, be truthful and have courage. Display traits that will benefit you in the future and will not fade with age.
Don't get stuck in the pseudo-world that social media creates and maintains; break free.