Social media -- our generation has become obsessed with it. I'm guilty, and you probably are, too. It's how we stay in touch with others, stay connected, store memories and keep people tuned in to what's going on in our lives.
It's awesome for many things, but it's also horrible for many others.
Think about it.
How many times have you been scrolling through Instagram only to stop at a picture of a gorgeous girl, click on her account, skim through her pictures and question why her life is "oh so perfect?"
Probably more than you want to admit.
We've all been there. No matter how happy you are with your own life, sometimes the jealousy bug creeps up and bites us. It's human nature.
But, human nature or not, we need to try our hardest to combat those thoughts.
Remember -- people only show you the parts of their lives that they want you to see. They post their talent, their beauty, the amazing things that they are blessed with and what they have accomplished, and that's what everyone sees. But you don't see the flaws, the cracks and pieces of their lives that are far from perfect.
You know your own struggles, fears and flaws. How often do you use social media to show them to the world?
Probably not very often at all, but you know you have them. We hide them with the perfect picture (the right angle, right filter, clever caption), the Snapchat story of how much fun we're having, but we don't show what's in between. Social media sugar coats our lives.
But we are all real people with real lives that go far beyond our social networks. Of course we want others to see the positives and blessings in our lives. We want to have a good, strong social media presence because, in a way, it takes us away from the negatives. The world of social media is a separate world from the one we face when we put our phones down.
The problem is that it falsifies and turns our realities into a type of fantasy. We are blind to one another's issues and what we each deal with day after day. We become different people online than who we really are, and jealous of how others are living showing their lives.
Everyone has struggles. You may not see them because they don't choose to show them to the world. But they are there.
Never forget that there is much more to someone's life than what they post, just like you know there is more to your life than what you choose to put out there.
You are a real person. You are more than who you are on social media.