The trend nowadays is to hate on anything involved with social media. It's warping our brains and taking time away from our loved ones. I'm here to tell you that there's nothing wrong with using social media and using it regularly.
Now I'm not saying ignore the people you're spending time with and have your eyes glued to the tech, but why not go on Facebook? Everyone is so against it because they say you're missing out on your life, but we all have different definitions of living.
There are introverts, extroverts, people who like to be alone, people who like to stay inside, all kinds of people. Who's to say I'm missing out on living my life if it's what I enjoy? I'm not sitting on my Facebook instead of climbing Mount Everest or on Twitter instead of skydiving, I'm doing those things because I like to do them when I have nothing to do.
So what if I'm taking pictures to post on my social media? I like to share with my social media community and I like to have things to remember important moments. I see many memes hating on people taking photos of important moments. Well memories fade but most photos last forever. I don't see the harm in it.
I read a story about a kid walking along the beach on their phone, not enjoying the view but the screen instead. So? If I was alone on the beach I'd do the same. When you're on social media it's like you have people around with you. Nobody likes to be alone. Texting or Facebook or Twitter or Instagram either makes you feel like someone's there or distracts you from the fact you're alone.
Focus on developing real relationships -- that one kills me. What about an online relationship makes it fake? Relationships are about the human need for connection, communication, friendship, etc. If online relationships or social media give a user that feeling, why aren't they real? Some people have a hard time connecting face to face so online is the only place they feel comfortable. Why hate on someone over something that makes them happy?
Lastly, think of where we'd be without social media. I wouldn't be able to be in constant contact with family and old friends. I get to share my experiences with many people at the click of the button. I wouldn't have left for school if I couldn't have stayed connected as easily as I have. What is so bad about it?
I get it. There is over use and inappropriate use that causes people to think this way, but it's not bad at all when used correctly. It helps so many people. Don't feel bad about using social media -- use away, be free.