There are times in life when we can wonder if we're too nice to people, or even if it's worth it to be nice sometimes.
It's conflicting, but don't be fooled by this. Don't get nothing for nothing. It's not wrong for you to give, but it hurts in a weird way when you take the time to be nice to people and they don't return that favor.
The way to feel better is to start caring about those who care about you, and anyone who doesn't reciprocate is an example of someone not to be. However, it doesn't mean that they are a bad person, because they might just be busy. There's nothing wrong with trying, which is more than most people would do.
This is something I've thought about for a while, but my best advice about messaging is to send the message and then put your phone on sleep, or even turn it off. Do it, and stop thinking about it. Go and do something else. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen, so it's not worth freaking out about what's going to happen.
Your time matters, and it's good to get away from devices. We're all on them too much already, and there's more to life than what's going on social media. It's a great advancement in technology, but we have to be careful because too much of anything isn't good.
I get back to people very promptly, and I usually try to check in when I have a free second, and I don't like to read my messages unless I can sit down and read it, and answer it. I don't like to make people wait because I have the kind of schedule where if I don't answer while I have a free second, I might forget since I'm doing college all week.
However, I've realized that social media actually allows notifications to build up so you don't have to be on everyone's schedule, which I always question if that's selfish, but if I have stuff to do, I have stuff to do.
If I saw everything and never reacted, or never acknowledged it, knowing that I saw it, I think that would be a bigger problem because then I'm actively avoiding things which is ridiculous. I would never do that, but since we're on the topic, all of these thoughts are forming in my mind.
I'm probably overanalyzing this, because I'm a deep thinker, so it's just a part of me. It's good to be a deep thinker, because, I think before I act which is a good thing. Not all people are that way, but it's better to think then act, because you can weigh all your options and their outcomes.
So, the key takeaway here is to be you, but also don't allow your time to be wasted. Care about those who care about you. Be good to everyone, but especially those who are good to you. What you don't always see in reciprocation comes back to you in good karma, so everything will even out.