Dear Social Media,
We love you and hate you. Us humans sometimes forget that we don't posses the power capable of resisting our temptation to post, share, pin, snap and tweet every last picture or video of our lives. We sometimes forget that once we click submit, it's out their forever; in the vast corners of the Internet for years to come. Sure we can go back and delete it but that won't change the fact that it's still out there. It could be on someones phone, laptop computer or tablet; just waiting for the right moment. What was once a "fun night with the boys" turned into "I'm sorry, we can't hire you". What seemed like a great time at one point is a lifetime filled with regret. We especially forget those who we hurt the most. Those who are put down by ones ability to mask ones identity over an IP address in a chat room or in the DMs. Sometimes we don't remember that just because we read it online, doesn't mean it's true. Social Media, while you are wonderful, you are a tool that we will never learn the proper balance of. We only hope you take pity on those who cannot posses your great power. Nevertheless, are we going to stop using you? No, of course not. Besides, everyone loves posting selfies of themselves right?
Jackson Welch