Ah, social media. Used correctly, it is an absolute blessing. Unfortunately, it is more than often used incorrectly. How do you use social media incorrectly you ask? Well here's how:
Social Media is a platform for you to share the events of your life with your friends, family, and even with complete strangers. It's an outlet for freedom of speech and to pretty much voice yourself in any way you want. But there are often times where things should really just be kept personal.
The whole world doesn't need to know every detail of your everyday life. This goes in regards to numerous things. Like the world doesn't need to know when you shower or go to the bathroom, but one thing that is very controversial on what should and shouldn't go on social media is this:
The dating world has changed quite a bit over the course of the years. Both for the good and for not. You can legally get married in all 50 states, despite the gender of whom you are marrying (that part is awesome). What's not so awesome is that a lot of people, especially the younger generations, are associating happy relationships with social media. Confused? Let me explain more.
Social media is a great way to share your life. In a new relationship? That's awesome! Go ahead and share it with your friends and loved ones! But what you don't need to do is post every single detail of what's going on in said relationship. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing posts of happy couples going on adventures together.
What I don't love is when I see a girl or a guy getting angry with their significant other because they didn't post a #wcw or #mcm. Yes that's right, people are getting angry because their significant other isn't posting about them enough.
Why is it important? Why do you need to be posted about in order to know you are loved? If you're questioning your significant other's love for you, all because they don't post about you on their timeline, than that's a problem with you. If you are questioning their love for you as a whole, you need to reevaluate the relationship you are in.
I've watched so many good people get tossed away due to their lack of the use of Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram. I've seen people break up with their significant others because they "didn't make a post saying happy birthday to me" but the person went out of their way to buy them just what they wanted and brought them to their favorite restaurant for dinner.
My main point here is that social media shouldn't be a necessity to your happiness as a whole, let alone your relationship. Stop focusing on the views and focus on the person in front of you. You could be given all the love and happiness in the world and be too distracted by the phone in front of you to even notice.
If your significant other is showering you with love and affection, then they shouldn't have to post about your love on their timeline all the time. Their physical love should mean much more to you than a silly Facebook post.