When social media became the huge hype around town, no one thought anything bad would come from it. They were wrong. Everything bad can come from it.
Social media is an outlet to let people know how you feel, sometimes without people knowing it is really you. You can be as fake or real as you want; no one is able to stop you. Instead of people confronting someone with an issue, they subtweet them and assume they will know it's about them. Society today has turned to social media to spread the word about violence and what should be right and what is wrong. There are so many inputs about the world around us, and we wouldn't know about much of it if it wasn't shared on social media. Yeah, it's great to see what your friends have been up to lately or what crazy video or picture your relative shared. But it's when you start seeing numerous shares within an hour that you know social media is starting to ruin their life.
It's here to draw you in and make sure it's the first thing you look at when you wake up. It wants to control your life and nowadays, we are letting it. I'm not saying that I don't check my phone to see who liked my photos or view what people are up to on their snap stories. I'm just admitting to the fact that I've let it control my life. "If it's not on your snap story, then did it really happen?" That's a line that I've heard many times, and it's because I was always known to have either a picture or video posted every day with whatever I was doing. I allowed an app to control my life and not fully focus on what was going on around me. I believed that as long as I have it on video and on my story, then I'll always remember it.
We have spent so much time relying on social media to get us through the day. We care too much about how many people favorite or retweet our tweets, or how many followers we can obtain, or how many likes our recent Instagram post can get. Because of social media, it's all about numbers. The bigger the number, the more important you think you are. Your real friends will like you, not just your post.