Social media is growing, and will continue to grow. At least 2.44 billion people use social networks. Which is about 30% of the world's population. Social media gives us the ability to communicate and share our lives to the friends, followers, and strangers we allow to look at our online image.
Our life in boxes truly can influence and inspire those that follow us. No matter how many followers you have, the words and images you display on social media affects others, in a number of ways. As social media users, we have the opportunity to use our platforms to make a difference in the world. From drawing attention to environmental issues, to funding efforts for reuniting immigrant families, your voice matters ALWYAS.
You social media, your page, your photos and captions, is all your stage. You can use it to send a message to the people you share it with. Using your voice and platform, can make a difference in the world. Your followers are influenced and affected by the information they read and see. I highly encourage all who have some sort of social media, no matter how many followers you have, to send a message that helps people or the planet in whatever way it may be. Your voice always matters, so use it to help others and our planet!