I don’t know if it’s just me, but I think I actually stalk my boyfriend’s social media.
Maybe once or twice a week I tend to look up his recent followers, who he follows, who likes his pictures, and what he posts. I actually feel insane half the time. And then…we fight. And it always starts with one of these: he followed a girl with her boobs out, he liked this girl’s picture where she's in a bikini, and this girl, who looks like a drop dead model, liked his photo. Or if I’m feeling really petty? I’ll complain how he has NO pictures of me but I have 10 of him. It all seems to boil down to this: social media is impacting our relationship, negatively.
Okay, so at this point I sound like a 14-year-old, high school, childish girl. Maybe trusting people isn't my best quality… But due to this day and age: social media is everything! I believe it can play a huge impact on relationships.
Now boys, I’m not saying you need to bend over backwards and post a picture of your girlfriend every, freakin’ day. I’m just saying that girls, of this millennial age, may be more inclined to appreciate a cute Instagram post of them, rather than a guy kissing them and calling them beautiful. ( do that too though boys). Instagram posts last longer, and for us: crazy stalker types? We can look at them over and over and over. We are also be aware that other girls are seeing this on our guys’ pages, and will hopefully take this declaration “dating picture” as: “ I’m in a relationship and happy, here is my mega hot girlfriend. Stay away”. At least that’s what a relationship challenged girl hopes it portrays.
It’s tough though, so many people being on their phones all the time. A common response I get from my boyfriend on this topic is: “ Social media isn't real life”. For a second, maybe a minute- I get that. I do understand where he, and many other guys come from. But… this is coming from guys who are glued to their phones a good part of the day. What you put out there is who you want people to view you as. A saying that gets played around with a lot is, “You can be whoever you want online” or “That girl is an “Instagram” model”. Social Media could me ones’ escape from reality or second life if they allow it to be.
I’m not saying that social media makes guys cheat, and that if they are one their social media all the time, they are cheating.
Also, if they don't post pictures with you or of you that doesn't mean they don't care or that want to keep you a secret. What I am saying is though, that social media has created another outlet for this type of behavior. Yes, I’m a nervous wreck. Yes, social media effects my relationship. And I hope this article will help other girls understand they aren't the only one, and I hope guys can understand where we are coming from as we nag for them to post a cute “pic”. All in all, obviously it’s someones morals or lack thereof that causes one to cheat, but I do believe social media can impact a relationship for the good or for the bad.