In today's world, our lives revolve around social media. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter, or even Tinder. If we need to know where the parties are or what's going on in the news or who is dating who, all we have to do is log onto the internet. This is creating problems in our society. People are losing social skills and having less social interactions. The main problem with this is that rumors and scandals get around the world in a matter of minutes, and the media can portray these things to be something they aren't or to stray away from the actual truth.
With all the recent drama in the media about terrorism, hate crime, police brutality, and animal brutality, all of my newsfeeds have been blowing up with everyone's opinion and side they choose to take on these topics. I can't speak for anyone else, but I am so tired of hearing about it all. Everyone has their opinion and which side they want to take, but how do they decide this? Based off of things they have seen on the news or the internet.
Yes, it is a tragedy that a Gorilla had to be put down and that a family had to go through what they did seeing their child being in the gorilla exhibit, but all the things posted on social media about it are making the story worse and worse. Parents are being shammed with child neglect, the zoo is being shammed for not controlling their environment as well as killing the gorilla. In the end, is a gorilla's life more important then a child? After reading all the blogs about how the mother should have been watching her child and it's all her fault, it makes me furious. Everyone knows kids wonder and parenting is not easy. No one is a perfect parent so this needs to stop. The media has ruined these peoples lives by posting their pictures everywhere and all these hateful articles. Unless you were actually there watching, you have no idea what happened that day and should not be basing your opinion about what the internet says.
Also with the Orlando shooting, everyone is blaming Muslims or guns. I have even seen articles about people blaming his family or the security at the night club. All this hatred needs to stop. It was no ones fault but the shooter himself. If you were not in that night club, you don't know what actually went down. If it was a terrorist attack, then we need to stand together and protect our citizens instead of playing the blame game and fighting with each other. If we have a huge target on our back, then why are we fighting ourselves.
This is the kind of things that social media causes. ISIS is probably sitting back and laughing at us for how we treat each other when it comes to these things. We need to put an end to the drama on social media and all the fighting about these events. If they were not getting all the social media attention some things might not escalade.