Social Media Christians | The Odyssey Online
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Social Media Christians

Are we using our plaforms correctly?

Social Media Christians
Cayla Victoria Photography

Social media is very instrumental in the lives of modern Americans. Most Americans use some kind of social media. And of those, almost all post on their beliefs, opinions, and values. Christians are among those who post frequently on what they believe. Social media can be a wonderful, informative platform. It also can be a platform that is used directly or indirectly to tear others down. As Christians, we have a responsibility to handle the power of any platform with maturity. However, sometimes it is easy to forget the magnitude of that responsibility on social media

I have many conservative, Christian friends who frequently post on social media about their views on the issues of the world, politics, and theology. I think that is a wonderful thing. Christians have a responsibility to use any platform that they have been given to spread the Gospel and the love of Christ. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are all places where love and the Gospel can be given in ways that many people will read, understand, and appreciate.

However, many Christians use it simply to share a general belief. A brief statement here, a quick share there. You read something you deem witty, click "share," and instantly it is on your wall for all of your followers to see. Yet, how many times do we stop to think about what message that post is presenting? Do we stop to think of the ramifications? Do we even realize or consider how that post will be taken by those reading it?

Many times we write those questions off by thinking "this is my wall, I'll say what I want." But what is message is this sending? How well are we representing Christ by not examining our posts and realizing that many times they are too abrasive or aggressive? It is so easy to think that it needs to be heard even if it is abrasive. Many times that is true. But it is only true to a point. When the abrasiveness goes so far as to shut down dialogue between us and a non-believer, when it gives the impression that we do not care for all people, when it inadvertently shows hate instead of love, then our purpose and our goal have been undermined.

Words are so important. Platforms are serious responsibilities. And God's love always wins. So the next time we go to share that post "really quickly" or rant on our social media, let us all stop and examine our motives and the message we are sending. If our message is not of God, if it does not ultimately glorify Him and share the Gospel, and if it undermines our position — then may we be convicted and realize what we have done before it is too late. May we love unconditionally, be forever patient, and glorify God in all that we do and say.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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