It's obvious that social media plays a significant role in how we act, how we dress, and even how we view ourselves, and it's unfortunate that often these views we have can be negative. The reason for this is because social media only shares the perfections of one's life. The realities and the hardships are frequently left out and this leads others to view themselves in a negative way. However, we already know all of this. But did you know that there is a way to use social media as a positive way to view yourself?
We spend a majority of our time scrolling through Facebook or Instagram and wondering why we can't look like this person, or why we don't live this certain life. But guess what, you can. The realities of social media are that people only share what they want to share and what they are confident in. No one's really going to share a bad picture of his or herself, or a negative Facebook status sharing how awful their day was, and there is nothing wrong with that. Social media is a great way to share positive tips or idea, however, it often contributes to one's negative thoughts because we're all guilty of wishing we had this or that or looked like a certain person.
So, my advice to you is to take social media and use it as a way to better yourself in a way that YOU want to. You have the power to make yourself whoever you want to be, but as long as you're doing it for yourself. The reason why social media has such a negative impact on today's society, specifically the younger generation is because many of the realities of people's lives are left in the dark, but the truth is, we all are going through something.
So, I encourage you the next time you're scrolling through your Instagram or Facebook news feed to look at whatever you see in a positive light and just remind yourself that not everyone's life is perfect; but if there's something that you are viewing and you're wondering why you don't have it or why you don't look like that, you're just as capable of becoming someone that you want to be. As long as it's for you and only you.