I have a love-hate relationship with social media. Sometimes I think about deleting every social networking app on my phone, but then, I fear I'll miss out on something. It provides me with opportunity, but it also prevents me from seizing the moment, because I overuse it. There is something enticing about being connected with others 24/7.
Our parents did not have the same media that we have today. Maybe for the better, but then again, look at the progress we have made over the years. One thing is certain — social networking has revolutionized the way humans interact. Below I am going to break down the pros and cons of the way we communicate these days.
Pro #1: Making new friends and communicating or connecting with old friends and family
- Social media opens up doors for you that you were previously unaware of.
- Friendships can be built through an app and later expanded in person.
Con #1: Lack of face-to-face communication.
- Although you can communicate with a variety of people over social media, nothing can mimic interpersonal communication in the flesh.
- It is not the same as a real conversation because you are hiding behind a screen; emotions are more present and dialogue is more authentic in face-to-face communication..
Pro #2: Feeling connected to society as a whole.
- With social networking you feel as if you are an integral part to what is currently happening in your area.
- Connections can be hard to elicit, but when using social media you fit in with others.
Con #2: Loss of productivity due to addiction.
- Just look around next time you're at a sporting event, restaurant or mall and you will notice the eyes of those around you glued to their phones.
- Social media can prevent you from enjoying your everyday life.
Pro #3: Ability to educate people in different ways.
- A lot of social media is reading/viewing the thoughts of others, and that leads to absorbing material you wouldn't usually recognize.
- Remember how fast that "Kony 2012" video spread throughout Facebook and YouTube? Millions of people became educated on this manhunt overnight.
Con #3: Cyberbullying, gossiping and spreading rumors.
- If you look around on Twitter or other forms of social media you will notice bickering and bullying among groups of people.
- Essentially you are hiding behind a screen conveying your thoughts and emotions, and therefore, you can make claims and say things you wouldn't in person.
Pro #4: Compartmentalizing different facets of your life.
- For me, I like how social media organizes my variety of interests through specific apps.
- Instagram for pictures, Twitter for thoughts, Facebook for help with classes, etc.
Con #4: Overwhelming desire for the acceptance of others.
- People go to drastic lengths in order to get likes and favorites or to get the acknowledgment of others.
- Today nobody really cares about the picture you posted a week ago that you spent hours editing, but nonetheless you still crave their respect.
Pro #5: Advertising yourself as an individual
- I believe social networking can be used positively to put yourself out there in a humble way, perhaps socially or even professionally.
- Use your social media accounts to foster your individual growth.
Con #5: Identity theft, deception and violation of privacy.
- The information you post can be used against you if it gets into the hands of someone up to something mischievous.
- You have to be careful and think about your target audience when posting.
Pro #6: An outlet for your own opinions and aspirations.
- Social media is an electronic form of what you stand for.
- It is important to stay authentic when posting on social media.
Con #6: Misinterpretation of information.
- It is easy to become two-faced when social networking because information can become skewed in order for someone to look superior.
- There have been instances where I have met or been introduced to someone, and they happen to look nothing like their social media proclaims.
We can speculate the good and bad of social media. But at the end of the day, it comes down to the individual using it. Personally, I don't know if I should be excited or scared for the future of social media. I am thinking 20 years down the road when my kids are going to be interacting on more advanced platforms and how out of the loop I'll be. All I can do is hope the pro list gets much longer than the con list.