I love social media. Of course, I do, here you are reading my article online. It's a great way to connect with people. Never before have we been able to have contact with so many rights at our fingertips. I have met countless people during my trip to Thailand and exchanging an Instagram or Facebook account is a must to keep in contact when we go our separate ways. I think it’s great to share life events and things you’re doing, especially for those that you’re friends with but don’t talk to every day. Unfortunately, there can be some downsides to the convenience of social media.
If we’re not careful we will lose genuine human connection.
I have found that looking on your phone when you’re in an amazing moment can be so detrimental. On my trip, I have now stayed at two hostels and those looking at their phone are automatically making it harder for someone to reach out and speak to them. Hostels are great places to meet people, but it’s unlikely that someone will reach out if you’re on your phone.
It is so important to live in the moment and not always care about posting a million pictures or videos online. I’m not going to say I don’t do these things, but I will say I do them very infrequently. I would rather put my phone away in my purse and listen to what those around me are saying. Snapping a couple pictures is fantastic to remember the night, but It’s not my first priority. I would rather feel the moment.
I met someone who had his phone stolen while traveling and afterward he experienced the most amazing peace.
We need to realize not all that is important is on our phone. Looking at Instagram and scrolling through Facebook might be cool in a taxi ride when you need some time to yourself, or just want to see what’s going on with your friends and family, but when we rely on it to always be there as a crutch we are abusing it. We also have to remember that people are choosing what they share with the world, so don’t judge yourself based on the lives of others.
Pure human interaction and reaching out to strangers feels absolutely terrifying. You might think there is no purpose, but I truly believe you can learn something from each and every person. You have no idea how sweet or kind someone you randomly talk to can be, and when you come away from that conversation you have a new friend. You might even keep in touch with them for the rest of your life.
Take a chance and put yourself outside of your comfort zone. Start small and chat with someone in line at the grocery store. I promise you it will be rewarding.