Social Justice Stupidity: Part One
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Social Justice Stupidity: Part One

A view into the stupidity of the "Progressive" left

Social Justice Stupidity: Part One

Well this week takes the cake for stupidity of Social Justice. Whether it’s shaming white disabled people to claiming Jesus was a tranny, these morons never cease to amaze.


Earlier this week, actress Blake Lively posted a “controversial” Instagram photo. Lively, in the middle of her second pregnancy, decided to show off her brand new “assets”. With one photo showing her face and another showing off her big ol’ pregnancy ass, she captioned the photos “L.A. face with an Oakland booty.” The line comes from the song "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot.
Naturally, everyone (read: a small group of easily offended SJWs) decided to take umbrage with this. Their reasoning: Lively was “culturally appropriating” the traditionally big booties of WOC (women of color). I hate the idea of "body positive", but these people are trying to shame a pregnant woman trying to be body positive (ugh) and act like she is the bad guy.


Another day, another rich white woman using WOC's bodies as a punchline and commodity. As if Blake Lively wasn't the worst already.
— Kat Bee (@katbeee) May"> 18, 2016

DON'T @blakelively idc HOW gentrified Oakland is becoming, you are not qualified!

— Slayomi Campbell (@Choclateshawty) May"> 18, 2016

Blake Lively, never not suffering from a massive case of pretty girl privilege

— Anne Helen Petersen (@annehelen) May"> 13, 2016

Of course, she has many defenders. Her biggest defender: Sir Mix-A-Lot. In an interview, Mix-A-Lot embraced her body positivity (seriously, I need to stop), saying “All I would say to the critics is let’s better understand the context of what she said. If what she’s saying is ‘I have this butt that Mix-a-Lot was talking about in “Baby Got Back,”‘ that’s a good thing. She’s saying I’ve embraced this ideal of beautiful."


James Rolfe, the Youtuber known as the Angry Video Game Nerd, reviews old monster movies, video games, board games, etc. When it comes to the new Ghostbusters movie, he is not a big fan. In fact, he's so mad at it, he's not going to see it.

In a six minute video, Rolfe calmly explains why he will not see the movie. Despite the charges of the films haters being "women haters" and "misogynistic", Rolfe's reasons have nothing to do with women. The only time he mentions women is to talk about how some people refer to the new movie as "The female Ghostbusters".

And yet, somehow, people managed to cry "Misogyny".

Behold the douchebaggery:

I really wanted to hate this Cinemassacre GHOSTBUSTERS review but I'm such a fan of noisy, thick-saliva swallowing it won my heart.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May"> 17, 2016

This moron at cinemassacre James Rolfe apparently hates that Ghostbusters is being updated with…

— Dane Cook (@DaneCook) May"> 18, 2016

i might see ghostbusters like three or four times just to drink all the male tears when it's a success

— Bill Hanstock (@sundownmotel) May"> 18, 2016

Not To Mention Articles Slamming Him.

So I guess a well reasoned, calmly stated argument is sexist/misogynistic. Way to water down the words, you "progressive" shit heads.


Speaking of Twitter outrage, a new hashtag, #DisabilitySoWhite, has come forward to fight a new evil: disabled white people.

That's right, white people with disabilities: You need to check your privilege.

The hashtag was created to point out how disabled POC (people of color) have it worse than disabled white people.

For example:

#disabilitysowhite when I told my mom that I was working with an Indian man with Down syndrome she said "I didn't know that was possible"

— Danielle Stoner (@musiclover3261) May"> 19, 2016

#disabilitysowhite when i have to choose a candidate but the one who has shown interest in PWD is bad for POC
— Four Wheels ♿️ (@4WheelWorkOut) May"> 19, 2016

We have studies showing that medics & care professionals think POC feel less pain than white ppl #disabilitysowhite
— Emma Sheppard (@_ESheppard) May"> 20, 2016

While seemingly noble, like many other SJW hashtags, it takes down one group to raise another. White disabled people did not choose to be disabled. But since they are white, it is okay to shit on them in order for them to "check their privilege."

I'll leave with this one "progressive" tweet.

White disabled people, stop playing victim tonight - no white tears are wanted for #DisabilityTooWhite. The trolling & whining is to stop.

— Vilissa Thompson (@VilissaThompson) May"> 19, 2016

and finally...


This one takes the cake. I can't even form the words to describe how cringey and terrible this is.

Here's the article.

Well, that was last week. Let's see what these dummies do this week.

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