The world we live in is ever-changing and expanding, in less than one-hundred years, technology has rapidly changed. Even in the last ten years, there has been a rapid expansion in the capabilities of the internet and technology integration into our lives.
With this comes the unearthing and extreme wanton for change of social practices that have been allowed to slip under the radar for years. Our country was built on institutions that have grown to become obsolete or do not align with today's social standards.
The evolution of technology allows a spotlight to shine on the issues that face our country, and even our world. Recently, media has been very active in weighing in on extremely controversial topics, and tides have been turning in the way that issues are discussed and processed. As a change in medium causes a change in response, which takes time to process and determine the correct course of action.
A current example of this phenomenon is the events that transpired in a Starbucks store in Philadelphia, and the company's response to criticisms. I am not here to comment on the actions taken in the store, but only to shed light on the events that transpired post-media release. Many corporations face criticisms based on their actions, as they affect the public and reflect on the company's opinion on business ethics.
Starbuck's is often under fire, as it is one of the largest boutique coffee shop corporations in the world. With stake holdings in other areas of food service, and control in the production and acquisition of every product the company offers. They also pose a public political opinion, which is rare of a company so larger. They took a stand in correcting actions taken in their stores and held a sensitivity training.
Every store stood closed for the afternoon, while employees took time to reflect on their stores and actions. It was also a time to talk about social justice and the way we as humans treat each other and function as a society. How we treat and think towards each other is so important, as it reflects on the future. It sets a tone for the acceptance of change and progression of social spheres.
As the youth of our nation, think of this issues through your lens. How do they make you feel? What do you want to see in your future world? It is the time to become involved before detrimental change reaches our waters. It does not necessarily need to involve political activity or inspiring community-wide change. But be aware of the change in your surroundings, and the tone of your social atmosphere.
Be aware of how you treat your neighbors, family, friends, and community. Reflect on how you would like to be treated, and how your actions affect your world.