It's definitely not fun and it's definitely not easy, but this is a sacrifice we need to make for the health and safety of everyone!
1. Tackle All The Projects That Have Been Piling On
Personally, I work and have activities 24/7, so there's a huge list of things that I've been meaning to do for months but just haven't gotten to.
With social distancing and trying to stay home as much as possible, this has allowed me to spend time tackling that list of things and I'm nearly done which is an amazing feeling.
So if there is a time where you are really bored and desperate for something to do, definitely look back on your to do lists and things you've been meaning to get done. It'll feel so great not having these things looming in the back of your head. Trust me!
2. Catch up on Show and Movies
There are so many shows and movies that I've wanted to watch and just haven't had the time to that I now have all the time in the world to enjoy. Some of the shows I've been catching up on are Sex Education, Self Made, Love is Blind and Criminal Minds. 10/10 recommend.
3. Try New Recipes
Something that I'm super grateful for right now is having the time to cook and eat like a human being should. With my life being so all over the place, I find that I'm living on granola bars and other on the go type snacks a lot of the time.
I've been using this time to experiment with new recipes and perfect old ones!
Something that I've found and love is Supercook, which is a website that allows you to enter all of the food items you have in your home which then will come up with a list of all of the recipes you would be able to make. The recipes range from baked goods to full dinners to cool snack combinations!
4. Practice Self Care
Instead of being sad about being stuck at home, I am trying to think about the positives and use this time to take care of myself so that when things get back to normal, I will be much happier and healthier.
Some of the things I've been doing to practice self care (and pass time) are yoga, face masks, baths with bath bombs or epsom salts, eating my lunch or a snack outside, reading more and just taking time to reflect and relax.
5. Staying in Contact with Friends and FamilyÂ
Something that I've definitely been taking advantage of is staying in touch with friends and family. I've had quite a few group Facetime calls and a few happy hour Facetime calls to not only pass the time, but to check in on my friends and family to make sure they're doing okay.
This time period is a wonderful opportunity to work on our communication with our friends and family because we have so much free time on our hands that now we have the opportunity to make that phone call with our long distance best friend and be able to talk and catch up for hours!
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- What Is Social Distancing? ›
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