Do you know that friend who always somehow has a package of band-aids in her purse, is always rooting for their friends on the sidelines and is one phone call away when you are having a mental break down? Those friends are honestly what gets me through life, and I strive to be a soccer mom in every way.
It's actually not pushing it to say that my friends may have (definitely) joked about my driving a minivan in the future and rocking that mom bob (been there, done that). Honestly, I am all here for it.
There may be endless jokes about how enthusiastic you'll be when your future kid scores the goal and how you will undoubtedly be present at every PTSA meeting, but if you push aside the jeers and kidding, your friends are telling you that you are an amazing friend.
You are there every single time your friend is down in the dumps and you'll kick anyone's ass who makes your friends feel lesser than who they are. You are also there when they triumph and are screaming THE LOUDEST. We love you for it.
Soccer moms in the real world get so much hate and we have all seen that angry suburban mom yelling in Target but when you see those mom's at games rooting for their children and showing up for every meeting being punctual as hell, can you honestly fault them for showing up and wanting to be an active part of their kid's lives? No. We may get annoyed sometimes, but they care.
Back to the "soccer mom" friends.
You may be low key destined to be that suburban mom in Target, but I will forever thank you for the tissues you always hand me and for the pep talks. I aspire to be you and hope that I am there for my friends like you are.
Thank you for buying me food after a breakup, staying up with me to make sure I study and calling me to scream and cheer after I accomplished my dream. You rock that bob and I can't wait to see you show up for your kids like that. For now, I'm glad I am one of your "kids".
We love you.