To Myself:
You're probably exhausted right now. You're probably anxious and tired and sore and struggling with one thing or another and feel like you can't go on. In fact, you're probably laughing at this article because the person writing these words has absolutely no idea what the person reading them is going through. That's okay. I'm here to remind you why you chose to do this to yourself and to remind you that I promise it's worth it.
So, think of those tan, fit, amazing people you've watched on finals day for the past several years. Think of those people you've seen just through a broadcast, and how you've watched them burst into tears after the last hit of their final run of their show. Think about how you tear up every single time you watch that because you want it to be you so bad. Now that is you. Live it.
Think about how good this is for your body. Every sore muscle means your getting a little bit stronger, and every time your lungs burn from running, it means you're getting closer and closer to making your show the best it can be. Don't let yourself start making excuses, and don't you dare start saying, "I can't." This is a mental game; your body can do it.
Most importantly, remember that you are not a superhero. No one expects you to be perfect on the first rep. Skills take time to master. Take the pressure off of yourself and focus on getting better every day. Be the best you can be; don't compare yourself to other people because they have different strengths and weaknesses than you. They are not you. Push yourself physically, but do not break yourself mentally.
Don't forget what performing feels like. Do it for the audience. Tell a story. Play a part. Remember that statistic you learned in winter guard: in a crowded stadium, at any given moment two people are watching you individually, so perform to them. Perform your heart out all the time and it will make the day go faster.
So you've hit a wall. That's great. Keep going. Keep pushing. Get better.
(And remember...the faster you run in PT, the less time you actually have to spend running, so just shut up and get it over with. ;) )