So You Think You're An Adult | The Odyssey Online
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So You Think You're An Adult

You're older and it's time you act like it

So You Think You're An Adult
HeroPath Coach

So you’re an adult now. Whether that means you’re a 20-year-old in college or 40 and still confused about where life will take you. Both of these things are OK, and it’s normal to be a little scared. Before getting a job, or moving out of your dorm room there are a few things you should do.

I advise looking through your Facebook and deleting those pictures that could hinder your ability to get a job. If you don’t want your grandma to see it, don’t post it. Now, I realize you may have a cool grandma who is in those pictures with you- still, take it down. Your future employers don’t need to see what you do on the weekends, and they definitely don’t want to see pictures of you doing anything illegal or unsavory.

First impressions are key when trying to set foot into the professional world and, unfortunately, people will always judge a book by its cover, so whether it be on LinkedIn or a resume, having a professional headshot is key. If you're lucky enough to be in a position to splurge on some quality professional headshots, all you need is a professional outfit and a smile and the photographer will take care of the rest.

If you're not in the club of having extra money, like the rest of us, I'll walk you through the steps of the smartphone photoshoot. All you need is a good outfit, a window on a sunny day, and a white poster board. Sit near the window, but not in direct sunlight, have a friend hold the board opposite the window to reflect light back into your face, and then have another friend take the picture. For better results, try to have a neutral background like a bed sheet hung behind you.

Once your headshot is complete, you'll want to assemble a resume to send the picture and your new headshot to future possible employers. Lots of people stress out about resumes, but they can be easy when sticking to a few simple steps. Find a template, add your accomplishments, and keep it simple. As for content, list the most recent and applicable jobs and titles, and any service work you've done for a charity or a community. Most importantly, keep your contact information and content of the resume up to date!

If you’re looking for a job, try to get some business casual clothing. When acquiring these make sure they fit you well. You shouldn’t have clothes that are four sizes too big, or uncomfortably small. If you’re done growing it’s worth shelling out a little bit more money since you’ll be wearing these for quite some time. However, know what your tags mean. If your shirt says “dry clean only” on it, follow those directions. Ruining your favorite shirt because you accidentally threw it in the dryer is truly the most heart-wrenching feeling. The worst part about it is you can blame no one but yourself. So save yourself some heartache and learn those tags!

I know the outside world is scary, but learn how to go grocery shopping alone and how to change your tire. Learning the language of your car will take awhile but it’s important to know what your little guy is saying when all of the dash lights are on, ignoring it is not the way to go.

While being a professional chef is not necessary, it doesn’t hurt to learn how to make a little bit more than Mac N Cheese or Ramen either. If you know how to do all this, your chances of Getting a big kid job increase immensely. It’s time to go off into the real world and be the best you that you can be. It’s time to turn into the adults we’ve idolized for so long — and I’m pretty sure that they knew all of these things.
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