All over America, God-fearing people are living in fear of their futures, as if they've never known the God of the universe or seen His power. They're calling for prayer, kind thoughts, good vibes or whatever it is that each individual onlooker feels brings power to the situation. For those who don't believe, I understand the fear.
But Christians, you ascribe to another Truth. Not a "name it and claim it" theology, where speaking the Word of God brings power to make what one desires a reality, but real trust in the promises of God, in a situation where you truly have no control. It isn’t the words that we pray that are powerful. The power lies in the One to whom we pray.
There is only One Power--the Word of God. Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). There is no fear when one trusts Christ. You simply trust.
Were He sitting at your table or standing beside you in line, could you feel anything but overwhelming peace and love? If you are a believer, He is there. Does that make a difference?
Wake up, Christian! He is in control of the situation, not you or me (I'm not saying we're without responsibility, only that we're not in charge of the outcome). There's not one thing that has occurred in our political system that is a surprise to God. "Be still and know that I am God," He says (Psalm 46:10). He doesn't say, "Sit around and freak out about it to your friends, and wait to see if I really mean what I say."
Stop panicking and bury yourself in the Word. See if there's anything in that Book that tells you that it's OK to lament endlessly about what's to come. He doesn't show the big picture. He didn't show Eve her Messiah in Genesis 3, but He did promise that there would be One, and Eve believed it. Look, as the prophets said for hundreds and hundreds of years, the Messiah came. If, after you finish all 66 books, you find there's justification for your panic, you'll likely have been distracted long enough to see His plan working itself out.
The biggest miracle Jesus could work in your life is saving your weak, wretched, angry, selfish, faithless soul. If He can do that, He can protect His people, bring the wicked to justice, fight for the innocent and make way for what seems impossible. He spoke the world into being with a single word.
Through what feels like, and honestly is. the most ridiculous political season America has endured to date, where the majority of America feels that there's no real political candidate worth supporting, God is still working. He is still moving in the hearts of people. He is moving them to care about others. He is breaking down barriers erected by hatred, poverty, illness and murder. Sick bodies still find healing. Sorrowful hearts are still being filled with joy. Empty bellies are still being fed.
He is still saving souls. Let that sink in for a moment.
People still have their homes, their cars, their jobs and their freedom. Oh, I know. It looks like that may not last forever. And maybe it won’t. God never promised that it would. To what do we actually have a God-given right? We have only a right to death and Hell. Anything else He grants us is a gift from Him. Are we really suffering? Do we even know what suffering is? Have we any right to complain that this situation is interfering with our “right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"? In whose opinion? Can we find that in scripture? I don’t think we can. The unknown outcome of this election year is only interfering with human plans. Bear up, believers. You can hack this!
"For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: 'My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him'" (Hebrews 12:3-5 NKJV).
Do you hear that? You're not bleeding over this. Believers worldwide and through ages past have been tortured, skinned alive, burned to death and slaughtered for proclaiming the name of Christ. Our votes don't rescue this nation, God does. This ache in your heart is anxiety. George Mueller said the beginning of anxiety is the end of faith. Just because you don't know the outcome doesn't mean the outcome will be bad. Honestly, it won't be bad, even if it isn't what you want.
Though many cling to Jeremiah 29:11 as a promise for good things to come, there's no guarantee that the outcome will correspond with our desires. That passage wasn’t even written to us. It's largely a misappropriation of the promise. That promise was to Israel and contingent on their obedience. We're not promised prosperity if we obey. We're promised eternity in Heaven with God if we trust Christ. As Christians, we're not promised anything in this life but the opportunity to share with Christ in His suffering. Yes, even though that passage is not for us, He knows the plan He has for us, but He doesn’t guarantee we will know it. The good and not harm, hope and future are from His perspective. Because whatever the outcome is is what He allows, what He wills. He will grow you from it and through it, if you submit. It is what He says is good.
"Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?" (Psalm 56:3-4 NKJV).
Read the rest of Psalm 56. Put your money where your mouth is. Trust your God to do what He does best and then give Him the glory for it. Whatever "it" is.