So you want to start a clothing brand? Per just like most who have the same idea you really do not know where to start. You are probably thinking "Do I just start making shirts and hope for the best?", "How will I build my website?" or "What is my first step?" Well, as the 3>2.96 clothing brand owner that has been out since March 2, 2014 and has been quite successful I will give you four tips on how to start your brand up! This will not give you the answers to everything but will give you enough to know what you are doing. Owning a clothing brand is not easy and you have to have a lot of patience. While continuing to learn as you go. So here it is:
1. Know Your Audience
Creating a clothing brand is not just creating clothing and putting it out to the world! Know who you are selling to. If you are selling to teenagers which ones are you selling to the ones who are interested in only underground brands and that is all they wear or are you selling to your average well-dressed individual. Know what your audience likes! They may not like what is trending when it comes to clothing they may like something different from that. Know their price range!
2. Know How You Are Going To Finance Your Brand
You cannot do anything if you do not have the money for it! If you are working a job you may have to sacrifice buying a few things to not only support your brand but to get it off the ground. If someone is financing it for you such as your parents use that money wisely and do not spend just to spend when it comes to your brand. Know where all of your money is going and do not give anything out for free! You will hear everyone say to you "Let me get something so I can help you promote." If they truly support you they will be willing to pay however much for your product.
3. Be Willing to Do Trial Runs
Like I said before a clothing brands takes time! Starting out a few of your items may not sale as fast as you want them to if at all but do not let that discourage you learn from it and keep pushing! Plus keep the item up for sale someone will buy it at some point or have those items apart of a giveaway to boost sales of other items. A trial run can be anything from starting out with trying to create your own website for your brand or using a already pre-made online platform such as Shopify or Bigcartel. Using one supplier but change to a different one because maybe the quality is a little bit better. Change is always going to happen!
This part I stress the most! The more you know the easier things are for you. Get one idea and research it to you cannot research it any further! If you found one website to buy blank shirts from you do not always have to go with that first choice look around to see if you can find better prices. Maybe for your brand you find a website that has not only your product but can create your product all at the same time. So when it comes to your doorstep everything is already done. Another example is looking for someone local to help create your products in most towns there are screen printers and embroiders who will majority of the time cut you a deal hat you cannot resist when it comes to pricing. Overall, as along you research every aspect of your brand things will become way easier
So folks with those simple tips you can start your brand! You would think the hardest part is the start-up but that is all trial and error but once you get into the clothing brand groove it is harder to build your brand! Stay blessed folks! is my brand website.