If you are a college student and after a semester or two you think to yourself, "I'm not really satisfied with my major. I think I want to change." Don't worry, you're not alone.
Firstly, it's normal to second guess yourself and worry about if the major you picked out is what's best for you. It is terrifying to think that you have to have your entire life planned out by the time you are 18. It is also unreasonable to think that life is a straight path, because let me tell you, it's not. Say you go into college and you have been knowing what you want to do with your life since you were 10. When you get to college, you take the classes needed for your major and quickly realize, that it's more difficult that you ever imagined. So, you start researching a plan b just incase you decide to change your major. If you ever find yourself to be miserable and stop being motivated to do the work for more than a semester, it's probably time to have a back up.
With this being said, i'm not suggesting to give up on your dream that you've had since you were 10. Never sell yourself short or think that you can't accomplish something. It is always possible to achieve anything when you have the motivation and set your mind to it. From personal experience, it is just always a good idea to have a back up plan, or something that you can go to if your original major doesn't pan out.
It is also common to have a bad semester in college. For most, this semester is usually the fist semester of Freshman year. Whenever you have a bad semester and are feeling down about yourself, it is completely normal to have a rocky semester. College isn't easy, and there will always be obstacles.
For me, I had a rough first semester of college. Within the second month, I found myself to be miserable and felt like I didn't have what it takes to succeed. I started not doing the best in some of my classes, even though I was giving it my all. After that semester, I decided to change my major. It was the best decision I have ever made. I started doing great in all of my classes, I wasn't constantly stressed about everything, and I found myself to be happier and have more time on my hands to do things with my friends that make college memorable.
If you are someone that isn't happy with your classes or grades and you think that it's too much to handle, think about changing majors. Life isn't a straight path, and there will be times when you have to make difficult decisions, even scary ones. It's important to go with what your gut tells you, and to take a leap of faith.