Anxiety. It is a mental state that affects so many of us, but yet it's one of those conditions that goes unspoken about, being thus afforded the breadth to get worse before it gets any better.
I battled anxiety for a very long time before I was willing to openly acknowledge and talk about it. A big part of it was shame. I felt like in recognizing the things I struggled with and felt anxious about, meant I was admitting weakness. I'd always thought myself to be strong and others told me as much...So why then, if this were true, could I not get a handle on my emotions? I was looking at things from entirely the wrong perspective.
Listen to me when I tell you this friend; I was looking at things from a place of fear and ignorance. It takes far greater strength to confront whatever you are facing head-on. Though it's terrifying as Hell, take comfort in the truth that you are not fighting alone.
It's when I acknowledged that I had anxiety that I was then able to begin healing and reclaiming control over my life and my happiness.
These feelings and anxietable spells you're enduring don't define you. It's how you react and reclaim your power that truly matters. Life's too short to let these feelings of worrying over what may never come to fruition, overshadow our reality and keep us from living in the present.