Feminism. Whoa, scary word, I know. Actually, not really. Feminism shouldn't even be the least bit controversial, but there seems to be a widespread misconception about what it even is. Feminism is, by definition, "the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes" (Merriam-Webster). Feminism is nor the belief that women are superior, the degradation of men, nor is it solely beneficial for females. Feminism is simply the desire for equality among the sexes.
To say you "don't need feminism" is a pretty bold statement, and that goes for either gender. First, let's break down the reasons people have for being anti-feminist, to begin with:
1. "I don't need feminism because I believe in equality, not supremacy."
Wonderful! Feminists actually believe in equality too. It would be more accurate to say you don't believe in misandry.
2. "I don't need feminism because I have men in my life who respect me. Not all men are pigs."
That is great that you have men in your life who respect you. I do too! However, the men that respect you are not the entire male population, and although they may have regard for your opinions and feelings, they may still exercise rights that you don't have. That's not really fair, is it?
3. "I don't need feminism because it's freaking (insert current year)."
Exactly. It is freaking 2016. How come there are still women getting paid less than men for the same exact job?
4. "I don't feminism because last time I checked I vote, go to school and believe what I want. Some countries don't even have that."
True that. You should consider becoming a feminist and being an activist for those women's rights too! In fact, the only reason you have yours to begin with is because once upon a time, a feminist took a stand for herself and, in turn, you as well.
Also, we are allowed to acknowledge our injustices and fight to change them even if someone else "has it worse."
People have a tendency to believe that feminism is by women, for women, and most importantly, anti-men. If it's about equality, why do they call it feminism, anyway? It's a fair question, really. It is most likely called feminism because although it is regarding equality among the genders, when the movement first initiated, women were the main group suffering from oppression. Fast forward to today when women have come a long way and have noticed the inequalities males suffer too. In fact, they are making advances to bring overall equality, but that can sometimes be difficult when there is a lack of men on board the feminist train. To put it simply, if women make up the majority of feminist groups, they are obviously going to discuss the inequalities they themselves face every day, whereas, if men joined the discussion, it would be easier to make progress for male inequalities too.
If you're a female and you say you don't need feminism, you're saying you don't need a whole lot of other things too. You're saying you don't need the right to vote. You're saying you are OK with being a stay-at-home mom being your only option. You're saying you don't need to go to college, or get any education at all. You are surrendering your right to become a CEO, drive a car, own property and wear whatever you want. Not too long ago, feminists decided they were not going to abide by these unjust laws and expectations, and they decided to make a difference. Women protested, starved themselves, marched, talked about the things no one wanted to talk about and just kept fighting until they received what was rightfully theirs. Just because you didn't live in the time of fighting for a woman's right to vote doesn't mean you don't exercise it now, and thus, do in fact need feminism.
On the other hand, if you're a male and you say you don't need feminism, you're saying some pretty daring things as well. You're saying it is OK for people to emasculate you for expressing emotion. You're saying it is OK for a woman to abuse you. You're allowing society to shame you for having an interest in art, culinary skills, dance or fashion. You are saying it is not possible for a man to be raped or sexually assaulted. You're saying you have to pay for every date.
Feminism may seem pro-women, but that does not mean it is anti-men. Being a feminist is about breaking society's gender roles and expectations. It's about choices. Being a feminist doesn't mean you have to embrace all the equalities you now have. You don't have to neglect wearing a bra like some women have. You don't have to take up a physically demanding job. It just means you know that it is only fair that if you want to, you can. It means that a woman can be the breadwinner and a man can be a stay at home parent, and it is OK.
Before you say you don't need feminism, consider what your life would be like without it.