The 2016 election is finally over with. Some see it as a triumph for a successful future with Donald Trump leading our valiant charge. Others see it is as a major loss on our part from a historic and experience viewpoint with Hillary Clinton being more politically seasoned and, well, being our first possible woman president. No matter which side of the aisle you are standing on, though, a point has been clearly made, and I'm not entirely sure it's a good one.
I started watching the election coverage around 7 o'clock and didn't decide to turn in until after 1 in the morning. One of the most prominent things I noticed was how equally split everyone's voting seemed to be. As of this time of writing, 200,000 votes are all that stand between the candidates. There is no true inclination of the majority for our great nation; we are clearly and decisively divided by our political ideals. This does not bode well for our future.
Gone seem to be the times where moderation is favored in politics. Our presidential nominee choices have all but proven that. We chose the two extremes to represent out biggest parties and left the 'moderation' for our third party candidates who never seem to garner enough support to be completely relevant. We continue to let our political ideals split us. We are spoiled Americans. All of us are. We always want a candidate that conforms perfectly to what we think is right and wrong. Everyone has an opinion, however. More often than not, these opinions are vastly different. Thus, why do we polarize our selves so much? Why do we not choose candidates that can legitimately appeal to the vast majority of the populace? We strive to see our own ideals pushed above all others, and we fail to see the silver lining in compromise.
There is a reason companies have a board of directors. There is a reason we have legislative branches made up of many different members. There is a reason our Supreme Court has nine justices. One solitary opinion is not all that need be heard. So many other instances in life would result in failure if it came down to one frame of mind. Why do we choose to make the presidency different? Some say this is a flaw in the system; this is the way it is set up to be with such differing ideas at war with each other. I'm sorry if you feel like the system has failed you this time or at any other time. It isn't the system that has failed you; rather, it is you who has failed the system.
We the People control the system, because we the people are supposed to control the government. Our constitution tells us so. Why do we get so down when the system goes against the way it should? It is up to We the People to solve the problems our government system faces. It is up to We the People to right the wrongs. It is up to We the People to cross party lines for the greater good. Grand civilizations, such as the Roman Empire, have collapsed from internal strife and separation. If We the People do not stand now, the same could happen to us.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is my call to you. Stand for what you believe in. Make your voice heard. We the People have all of the power. It's about time we started using it again.