You know all by now that Donald Trump has been elected to be our President. Gosh, that sentence sounds so odd. This article isn't going to be about bashing Trump. It'll be about what we as a nation, as citizens, as decent human beings can do moving forward for the next four years. Yes, we can all joke about moving to Canada but all jokes aside this a serious issue. Whether you supported Trump, Clinton or Johnson, this final decision will impact all of us in the future. There's no going around it. The nation has spoken and they want Trump in the oval office.
As cheesy as it sounds, there's still hope. Although Trump won, there were still millions of people who believed and supported Hillary Clinton. That should say something. We need to remember that she did impact people of all ages and races. But unfortunately, Clinton is the perfect example and proof that no matter how qualified a woman is she will always be in competition with a man who is less qualified to the same job.
Those of you who want to make a change and want to keep fighting for what you believe in, do so. It doesn't even matter if you like or dislike Trump. It's about reaching a common ground with all types of people in this country. Don't become violent or riot; use your knowledge and intelligence to make a stronger impact. When intelligent people team up together, anything can be done. I don't truly believe people understand that.
We don't know what Trump will do, it may be good or it may be bad. We have yet to find out. I don't believe people understand what electing Trump into office means for the future. This is a person who believes women should be put in jail if they choose to have an abortion. That's someone daughter, friend, sister, niece, cousin, etc. We all need to think about what life will be like for ourselves for children for families, for people. Just because someone is saying all the things you want to hear hear doesn't mean they will follow through with it.
Everyone needs to think about what type of world or environment you want your children to live in. Is violence going to solve everything? No. Will sitting back and remaining quiet do anything? No. WE need to figure out a way to help each other and work together instead of against one another. Everything that you decide today will impact how your life and future continue for the years to come. Do you want to live in a world where your little girl is scared to speak her mind or potentially afraid to go into work because her creepy older boss will hit on her and thinks it's ok because the leader of the country thinks it's totally fine to "grab her by the pu**y." Little things like that add up to bigger things in the end.
Use your voice. We genuinely need to work on bettering ourselves by investing that time and energy on proposing ideas that help all of us as a nation. It's easy to feel defeated but it says more when you rise above the defeat.