As of November 9, 2016. Donald Trump is the president-elect of the United States. Congratulations America! We have taken two steps in our progression as a nation, and it is shameful. Donald Trump has caused nothing but fear and hatred, fear and hatred. Sounds familiar, right? For all the Trump supporters, you going to have an amazing time explaining to your LGBTQ, Black, Latino, and Muslim friends the reason why you voted for this man. This man provided no alternatives to our situation; all he did was point and blame. Trump is absolutely reckless with his words and does not take responsibility for them. How do we go from a excellent model of a president, Barack Obama, to Donald Trump? And no, I'm not saying this because Barack Obama is partly black but because of how he carries himself with his character. An example to prove my point is how the two handle hecklers. Barack Obama told the crowd at a rally to not boo the man who was holding a Trump sign but to go out and vote, that your actions will determine the outcome of America, not your voice. Trump openly says to attack hecklers at his rallies. Do we really want someone with this character to be leading our nation? Well it's too late now and most us are scared for the future.
So, what comes next? Acceptance. Nothing is going to change the fact that Trump is our 45th president. I get most of us are sadden, hurt, and fearful but we must be hopeful. Trump is a genius for appealing to the white uneducated people. It showed America's true feelings and ultimately won him the election. We must move forward, never back. There should be no talks about assassinations, or leaving the country. My ancestors fought for me to be here and it would be like slap in the face to them if I even talked of leaving once things got hard. Trump doesn't even compare to Slavery or Jim Crow.
Me, I'm not allowing this to stop my progression in life. If anything this makes me want to fight and work harder. Has America failed me, yes. Starting to get used to America failing me over, and over again; but I will never ever let anyone stop me from achieving my goals and dreams. The morning after the election, my pops sent me some words of inspiration that made me optimistic about the future. As I sat on my bed in my dorm, I really thought about how Trump made it and had to give the man props. Trump is a very smart man. We have never seen a candidate like him and a lot of people found truth in what he was saying. Now, anything Trump said during his running isn't going to happen. No one is getting deported and the wall isn't being built. All of this was a plot to get himself into office. Once he is in office, I do believe he has a lot to offer for this country. We just have to give him a chance because he earned it.