Often times we get so consumed by the day-to-day, the busy seasons, the hustle and bustle of the holidays or finals week. Whether it is the psychology final we have to make an “A” on or the relentless commentary of family members that come around for the holidays, your parents asking where you plan to work next year, or your grandma asking why you don’t have a boyfriend. We get caught up, consumed. With our heads tightly wrapped up in the little details and minute busyness of life we forget that our focus makes us believe that our worth lies in the very thing we focus so much on. And instead of trudging up, falling deeper into the consumption of daily nothings you have to stop and ask yourself, “Where do you find your worth?” Do you find it in the internship you are anxiously applying for, hoping, praying, fearing the response? Do you find your worth in the sheet of paper that reads all of the hard work you put in this semester, the long hours of finals week, all represented by a letter? Do you find it in your parents approval, your friends opinions? Do you find it in Instagram likes, Snapchat streaks, do you find it in dates, or Facebook friends?
Contrary to popular belief, it most likely doesn’t truly lie in a single thing listed above.Though some of these things may be important, important to you, important to those you care about, or they may shape your self-perception, but they are certainly no measure of your worth. Even though the letter grade on your final may seem like the world, or the opinion of friends may be a great concern, it has no true effect on your worth. Who you are and your value means more than the guy you Snapchat or the number of likes on a picture. At the end of the day all of those things go away and you climb into your bed at night and you are you… you are who you believe yourself capable of being whether you made a C in Spanish or an A, and you are still valued and important whether you have one hundred likes on Instagram or one thousand. So where does your worth lie? It lies in the way that you view yourself, whether you are proud of the person you are, the things you believe in, the values you hold, the way you treat others. Your worth lies in the person that gets in bed at the end of the night, when no one is there to judge, no make-up, no lies, just you. And who you are there, free from the face you put on for others, your worth lies in who that person is and if whether that person is a person you would be proud of, proud to be.