I'm sure you've been asked this before. As a twenty-year-old, I get asked this question all. The. Time. It wears on my heartevery. Single. Time. It's because I have no idea. Not a clue! I really don't know what I'm doing with my life. God has me in this place of not knowing and at times, it can be really exciting. But when people ask me what I'm doing with my life, it's not so exciting when I don't have an answer. Usually, my sarcasm comes out and I respond with, "If you find out before I do, can you let me know?" I realize it sounds like my heart is bitter. And well, it kind of is. Or it was.
You see, this week I've been telling God about my frustration in not knowing. Do I keep doing what I'm doing? Or do I completely change everything? Do I stay where I am? Or go somewhere else? Deep down I know what God is calling me to do. He's calling me to share His word. But how am I supposed to do that? I'm only twenty years old and there's only so many hours in a day, only so many people I can talk to, only so many places I can travel to. It also gets dark by five pm and I don't do very well driving in the dark.
That's when God placed something on my heart.
I'm here to make disciples.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20
Sometimes I over-complicate things. I get stressed easily and I feel like I would get a lot more work done if there were at least ten of me. I feel like I would accomplish more if I could afford more. I feel like I would accomplish more if I had a degree. I just need to stop and take a deep breath. The beautiful thing about being called to make disciples is, it doesn't require money, it doesn't require a degree. There's no stress.
So often we think Christianity is about doing "big" things for Jesus. Moving to Africa, starting a Bible study, creating a non-profit. While those things are amazing and I truly admire the people that do them, I think Christianity is also about being faithful in little, small things every day. Such as, meeting a friend for coffee and listening to her pour her heart out over what she's stressed about. Paying for the person behind you in the Starbucks drive-through. Listening when people speak. Being available when someone needs you.
I think that what we see as "small" things here on earth, are actually big things in Heaven. I think that "small" things in our eyes are so big in the eyes of God.
The next time someone asks, "What are you doing with your life?" respond with "Making disciples." Because that's exactly what you're doing. Maybe God will call you to do that through a business or moving. For now, He's called me to share His word through social media, with all of you. I pray that God uses us in mighty, beautiful ways in just one person's life today. I pray that He uses us to preach the Gospel and to make disciples.