I've actually come up with three or four ideas and started to write them, but they were too lackluster for me. I've written sentences, deleted them, then rewrote them, then wrote another, then deleted them again. Writer's block is the absolute archnemesis of writers and content creators everywhere and tonight I am truly feeling the wrath of it. I've been on website after website looking at prompts and articles to create a response to and I have nothing. So in the midst of my frustrations, I figured, why not capitalize on my utter defeat.
We have all had writer's block in one way or another; whether you cannot come up with something to write about, how to word a phrase to accurately convey your feelings or when you are searching for the perfect word and cannot think of it for the life of you. It's the most frustrating feeling to have an idea but not be able to execute it then repeat that process over and over. Not being able to convey what you're actually thinking and having an excessive amount of word vomit splattered across the page makes me feel like I'm forcing something that cannot ever be written. Before this little idea popped into my head, I felt like a failure and like giving up completely. A little over dramatic, I know, but being a content creator can be difficult. You try to appeal to a broader audience and try to relate to everyone to get views.
If you are ever feeling stuck try to take a breather, look up current events, try to think up a new idea, and change up where you write. These tips helped me to get to the end of this article. If it could work for me, it will definitely work for you! Happy writing!