Tomorrow I take the floor for the first time with a new group of people. I'm used to this, it happens every year. There's something about that first show day that never changes though. You get a lump in your throat, your stomach flips and everything feels tingly. I think a doctor would call it an anxiety attack, which is very much close to what this actually is, but its not. The feeling you get showing the world your show for the first time is nausea inducing, heart pounding, nerve racking, breath stealing and terrifying. But it is so much fun as well! You just want to do so well, you want people to enjoy the performance, you want people to cheer you on, which is an amazing feeling.
This year is my first time with an absolutely amazing guard, but its also my last season. Not everyone is built to do this for years and years. My body is always in pain, I feel like I've aged twenty years and I find myself wanting to cry after every rehearsal ends. The most painful thing about finding something you love to do is that one day it has to end, and unfortunately, your mind eventually has to listen to your body.
But I'll take all the pain in the world with a smile knowing that I got to be apart of a season with a group that has inspired me since I was fourteen. There is a member who has been spinning with them since she was sixteen and she's so amazing and a great role model. There's someone who taught me in my first season of college marching band and she's amazing. Watching her spin makes me push myself harder. Every member has something that makes them look untouchable. Maybe its their lines, maybe its their performance face, maybe its their technique or they're fluid in every movement or they make she show come to life. Each member is unique and unstoppable. I'm truly blessed to be surrounded by them.
To those who think color guard is silly or not real dancing, you haven't seen the professionals at Eklipse, Paramount, or Zydeco. The way these people let go and free themselves in the music and the roaring of a crowd can't be beat. They practically walk on air when the music begins. Girls and boys everywhere see these people as their role models and that is such a beautiful thing. Because when you're thirteen, fourteen or even eighteen years old, you can't help but rush into the gym ten minutes early so that you have a good seat to watch the performance. You can't help but scream "get it" when they move together like water, or "yas" when the sabre line catches a six turn around toss.
To people who are not in this world, to us, these guards are like your favorite sports team. It doesn't matter if they have a good or bad show, we will always cheer them on. They work hard to get where they are and to do what they do. This family that I have found deserves the world. Now I don't know what score we are going to get and I don't care, but I know I'm probably going to be very out of breath, and have a huge smile on my face.
Forever Cc)