If you've been on the other side of recruitment, you know the feeling. You're doing your walk songs (to perfection, per usual), and she walks in. Long hair, cutest dress you've ever seen, strappy sandals and a smile with the whitest teeth. You can't even make this up.
You lock eyes. You can tell she feels it, too. That sense of knowing someone forever, but in reality, you just wanted to talk to each other. You'd talk about anything and everything. Sports, siblings, pbj, pizza, dogs, their mother's cousin's boyfriend's sister. Literally anything. Just talking to each other is the highlight of your day.
She asks the right questions, but you can tell she wants to ask more personal questions. Your interests, your dislikes and you personality traits are put on the table; she does the same.
You know this feeling.
The minute you stop your walk songs to say, "Welcome! My name is (insert name here)! We can go inside now," you guide her inside. You try to persuade yourself to play it cool, but her trendiness has you in an uproar. She's the little sister you always wanted. Oh and looky there! You're in the market for a little.
The conversation gets deeper. She mentions her love of college football and well, obviously you have the same love. It's like love at first sight. You've watched "The Notebook"... wait, has she? Ask.
Oh, good she has. Movie marathons will happen, which means popcorn, pizza and wine. She's getting that much better.
Time to take her to the blacktop. The conversation is so perfect, though, so why does it have to end?
You continue the conversation about the random moments you've experienced since being in Athens, and not surprisingly, she's experienced the same. She's seriously your srat twin.
You yell goodbye from the blacktop as she approaches the sidewalk. You hear her say, "Goodbye, (your name)!" You almost faint, but you know you have a limited time to get back up the steps and upstairs. You secretly tell yourself: "She's the one. She is definitely the one."
You finally make it up the stairs, both sets, and you only have a number in mind. FIVE.
If this has happened to you, you know exactly who I am talking about. The girl who changes everything. The one who made the long weeks, nights, and days so worth it. She made you wish that Big Little would happen the next day. The reason for the next step: family status.
When you feel this way, you've met your Rush Crush.
A Rush Crush is the one that you completely fall head over heels for and can't stop thinking about until Bid Day. I wish for you all that you meet your Rush Crush. I also wish that you are a Rush Crush.
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