Dating apps...the bane of my existence, something that I have tried to quit multiple times, yet somehow am unable to find success. The winter season at State College can be especially boring and repetitive with me falling into the routine of classes, napping, watching Netflix, and maybe fostering the energy to go out on the weekends. While I am relaxing at my place, I tend to get a little lonely sometimes, craving the attention of a boyfriend. I swipe left and right, but with no success. It seems that I am the only guy at Penn State that wants something more than just hookups, preferring that someone actually gets to know me first.
The most frustrating thing about Tinder for me is the severe lack of options. My pile to swipe on is very small with me finishing my selections within a couple of minutes. There are NEVER any new guys to pick from and the majority of these guys I could spot on campus without even needing an not really my type of guy, to say the least. When I actually find a guy I am interested in, we match and have a small convo with me trying to make food plans or something and him basically things never work out.
The reason why I keep this app though is because I HATE playing the guessing game. I hate not knowing if a guy is potentially interested in me romantically. I hate having to awkwardly approach him in person and test the waters out for myself. Tinder allows me to at least know if there's a chance before I go up and talk to a guy, but the thing is, not everyone uses this app. On a campus of about 40,000 students, there have to be more options than this app offers. The hard part is finding these options without making an embarrassment of myself.
With all these being said, yes, I am SO OVER tinder, yet I do not see myself deactivating the app any time in the near future. I have learned to just take this app for what it is...a hookup app. I no longer swipe with the hope of finding a college guy that is actually wanting to find a relationship. I swipe for the fun of it and hope for the best. College is almost over. I will be graduating in May, and I am so ready to live in a city where I can more easily meet guys without the aid of dating apps.