By reading the title, I am sure you are one to relate. I am sure that you sit there sometimes and say "why do I do this to myself?". I am sure that you stress yourself out with everything you have taken on. I am sure that life is crazy at all times.
It gets crazy. It gets really crazy. It gets to where I have to make a list of what I have to do from the time I wake up, to the time I go to sleep at night. Some days, I truly forget about myself. I forget that I have to take care of me sometimes BEFORE I take care of that assignment I have due at 1:30.
At the same time though, I am so thankful for my crazy, yet exciting life. In my life, I am truly never bored. There is always something for me to look forward to or prepare for.
As a student, it is easy to say this. But I am not just a student. I am a child of God. I am a writer. I am a manager. I am a girlfriend. I am a beauty consultant.
I am more than one label, I have many, which is fine by me. I have so much to do, but this life gives us so little time. There is so many things I want to accomplish in this life God has given me, which is why I take so much on my plate. We only get one life, we might as well enjoy it and live it to the fullest extent that we can, for as long as we can!