To Detach (v): leave or separate oneself from (a group or place)
Normally when you think of the word detach, you imagine something that is broken. Something that even with time, glue, tape, or love cannot be put back together. This is not the type of detachment I am talking about. The kind I am trying to comprehend is the detachment from a group, specifically from the virtual world in which we all seem to have ourselves fully engulfed in.
Now I never said this was going to be easy, but I have recently made it my mission to try and put my phone, tablet, and laptop away and see the world in a different way. Our minds can be so cluttered with the ever prominent news, and social media sites that are directly at our fingertips. But most of the time there is more going on throughout the world then just what we see on a tiny screen.
This month I pledge to put my phone down and make more time for things I have pushed to the side. I, Anne Lacey, hereby commit to spend more time off my devices, and more moments doing things out of the ordinary. I will cleanse my brain of all the pressures of social media, and vow to make myself a higher priority.
During this time I will spend time:
-Taking long walks
-Writing more
-Finding a new study spot on campus
-Siting with different people at a meal
-Joining a new club
-Discovering a new hobby
-Spending less money
-Doing yoga
After this month is over, I hope to have more time doing things I wouldn’t normally do, and have spent less time on my devices. I am going to detach from social media, and I invite you to join me!