You decided to skip the whole Maymester, study abroad, and June/July classes, so what did you do? You got a job for the summer.
Your parents probably presented you with an ultimatum. “If you stay in Athens over the summer and decide not to take classes, you will have a job and keep it." Yeah, my parents told me the same thing but, hey, stay positive my friends, a summer job is GREAT for several reasons:
1. M0N3Y
This could be the soul reason but I want to give you all some positivity to liven up your summer. Yeah, we all need it. During the year, you're in desperate need and the summer is even worse. Your hometown friends send you a random text on a random Tuesday: “hey! So I decided to stop in Athens for the night. Let's go get food and drinks. You're free right?" Well, yeah you're free. You only work from 2-close so you have no excuse, right? Right and with your summer job, you have money to go out with hometown friends in your favorite city. Low key thx mom & dad
2. Hobby…let me explain.
So have you ever noticed that Athens is a ghost town in the summer? It is. People are constantly in Europe, Australia, and other awesome countries which you see via Snapchat and Instagram when they luckily get WiFi, others are at home relaxing and spending hours by the pool, and some are even pushing further in their careers by working an internship (GASP). Then there's you working a part-time job in Athens, Georgia. FOMO IS REAL PEOPLE. So, yes, this summer job is like a hobby. It gives you something to do while all the other people are doing fun things that are Insta-worthy.
3. Fun Co-workers.
This is a real thing – trust me. One awesome outlook is making new friends in your co-workers. Work can be stressful but it can be fun too with the awesome people who stress with you. Think of it as like a two month long group project that gets to meet outside of class, the library, and the SLC minus the constant stress over which part is yours, peer grading, and comparing yourselves to other groups... Sounds so much more F U N.
4. The Classic City.
Ghost town or not, Athens is a beautiful city especially in the summer. Longer days, fun nights, and the Standard pool (seriously the best thing ever) make for an awesome summer. The best part: working a 2-close, going out to eat, going out, and then sleeping in all day with a few hours by the pool because you have an off day. You're in Athens, Georgia for the summer. You get to explore all the restaurants, hidden places, bars, and even explore campus without the student traffic. Refer to point 1-4 if you need funds, something to do, and companions for these adventures.
I know the word 'job' can be a scary thing, but if you're in Athens, making money, and meeting new people, I am sure it is going to be a great summer. Plus, you're building your resume with fun…. And some work, too.